SJV Parish General Library - Aging | |
MINISTRY OF LOVE: A HANDBOOK FOR VISITING THE AGED Doughty, Stephen V. Book Description: Book by Doughty, Stephen V. .... | |
RICH IN YEARS: FINDING PEACE AND PURPOSE IN A LONG LIFE Arnold, Johann Christoph Editorial Reviews: : Review: : In this book, Johann Christoph Arnold has once again offered us a translation of the meaning of God's love for us through all the days of our lives. --Cardinal Sean O Malley, Archbishop of Boston: : Unassuming yet outstanding, this is the best book I know on the godly ripeness that aging .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - At Home Retreat | |
A RETREAT WITH FRANCIS & CLARE OF ASSISI: FOLLOWING OUR PILGRIM HEARTS Bodo, Murray Your directors for this retreat, Following Our Pilgrim Hearts, are Francis and Clare of Assisi, contemporaries who were determined to follow the Christ who spoke to them from the cross of San Damiano and to rebuild the Church by living the gospel of Jesus. You will walk in the footsteps of Francis and Clare through Ass .... | |
A SEVEN DAY JOURNEY WITH THOMAS MERTON Waal, Esther de Book Description: Journey with Thomas Merton for 7 days, meditating on the best of his contemplative writings and savor-ing striking black & white photos taken my Merton himself. Let this book bring you to a greater aware-ness of yourself and Christ's presence in your world. .... | |
ALONE WITH THE ALONE: AN EIGHT-DAY RETREAT Maloney, George A. Book Description: Alone With the Alone: An Eight-Day Retreat .... | |
BODY MIND SPIRIT: TAPPING THE HEALING POWER WITHIN YOU: A 30 DAY PROGR Ph.D., Richard Johnson Book Description: Dr. Johnson details the 30 healing virtues we all possess. With this guide, readers can view illness as an opportunity to begin living as never before. Gradually, Lorraine began to climb out of the pit of despair she had dug for herself. She began to see a flicker of the light of hope that had grown s .... | |
I BELIEVE IN LOVE: A PERSONAL RETREAT BASED ON THE TEACHING OF ST. THà d'Elbée, Jean C. J. Book Description: : This spiritual classic has long been beloved by Catholics for its wondrous distillation of the teaching of St. Thérèse of Lisieux into a reader-friendly set of meditations. It's perfect as a personal retreat when you have only a few moments to spare each day and for spiritual reading anytime and a .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - At Home Retreat | |
MEDITATIONS WITH TERESA OF AVILA: A JOURNEY INTO THE SACRED Don, Megan Book Description: Meditations with Teresa of Avila invites you to explore the depths of your inner being by following the pathway of the beloved mystic Teresa of Avila. Born into Spanish nobility in 1515, Teresa entered the monastic life at twenty and was eventually guided to reform the Carmelite Order. She blended a r .... | |
RETREAT WITH THE LORD: A POPULAR GUIDE TO THE SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF I Hardon, John A. Book Description: Retreat with the Lord: A Popular Guide to the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola .... | |
SAINT PAUL: CALLED TO CONVERSION: A SEVEN-DAY RETREAT Witherup, Ronald D. "Saint Paul is the most prominent personality of the New Testament, apart from Jesus himself. Thirteen of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament bear his name...Around the year AD 35 he had a remarkable experience on the road to Damascus..."-From the Introduction : : Paul's conversion is as dramatic a turning poin .... | |
VACATION WITH THE LORD: A PERSONAL, DIRECTED RETREAT Green, Thomas H. Vacation With the Lord: A Personal, Directed Retreat : : Editorial Reviews: : Vacation With the Lord: A Personal, Directed Retreat .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Bibles | |
CATHOLIC COUPLES BIBLE-NAB Devotional Book Description: The first and only Catholic Couples Bible on the market. The complete Catholic Bible text combines with an enriching collection of articles about topics that every Catholic couple will be sure to encounter in their marriage. This attractive Bible contains 22 full-color inserts featuring articles on to .... | |
CATHOLIC STUDY BIBLE, COLLEGE EDITION: NEW AMERICAN BIBLE Press, Oxford University The first true study Bible for Roman Catholics, this volume offers intermediate and advanced students a wealth of background information on the historical, literary, and theological dimensions of the Scriptures.: : The heart of the Catholic Study Bible's helps is a 577-page Reading Guide that is linked to the NAB text .... | |
![]() | LA BIBLIA: LETRA GRANDE Rodas, Hernán Book Description: La Biblia Latinoamericana es la biblia Católica mà s vendida en el idioma español, con mà s de 70 millones vendidas al redor del mundo. La Biblia Latinoamericana, edición pastoral, es especialmente indicada para Latinoamérica, con presentación y comentarios de Bernardo Hurault. Contiene pasajes p .... |
LIFE APPLICATION STUDY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, PERSONAL SIZE Tyndale Book Description: Today's #1-selling study Bible, The Life Application Study Bible, is now available in four new personal size editions. The Life Application Study Bible includes nearly 10,000 notes and features designed to help the reader apply God's truth to everyday life. Personality profiles highlight over 100 impo .... | |
NEW AMERICAN BIBLE, ST. JOSEPH MEDIUM SIZE EDITION Publishing, Catholic Book (Creator) Co Book Description: New American Bible Text: The widely acclaimed Catholic version of the Bible translated from the oringinal languages by members of the Catholic Biblical association of America .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Bibles | |
NIV, ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDY BIBLE, HARDCOVER: AN ILLUSTRATED WALK THROUG Garrett, Duane (Editor) "Readers who desire a more intimate knowledge of the historical context of the Bible will appreciate the NIV Archaeological Study Bible. Full of informative articles and full-color photographs of places and objects from biblical times, this Bible examines the archaeological record surrounding God's Word and brings the .... | |
![]() | NUEVO TESTAMENTO New Testament in Spanish and English .... |
READ AND LEARN BIBLE Society, American Bible Timeless stories from the Bible for children and parents to share.: : Parents and children can deepen their understanding of the Bible by reading Bible stories together. The Read and Learn Bible features stories from the Old and New Testament including: Genesis, Noah and the Flood, Exodus, Daniel in the Lion's Den, The .... | |
ROGET'S THESAURUS OF THE BIBLE Day, A. Colin Roget's Thesaurus of the Bible uses Roget's fundamental and brilliant category concept, which groups together all related subjects - similar and opposite - for quick and easy comparisons.: If you are researching a particular subject, the category list will lead you to the relevant Bible passages. If you are researching .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Bibles | |
THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT BIBLE FOR CATHOLICS: NEW TESTAMENT EDITION : ' "The Bible for today's family: Catholic edition"--T.p. verso. .... | |
![]() | THE PSALTER: A FAITHFUL AND INCLUSIVE RENDERING FROM THE HEBREW INTO C T, International Commission on English in .... |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
1ST AND 2ND EPISTLE OF PETER Schwank Book by Schwank : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Schwank .... | |
A ONCE-AND-COMING SPIRIT AT PENTECOST: ESSAYS ON THE LITURGICAL READIN SS, Raymond E. Brown Father Brown completes his look at the great seasons of the liturgical year, making the rich insights of modern biblical exegesis conveniently available to all, with this volume for the season from Easter to Pentecost. : : During this season the Church reads consecutively from the Acts of the Apostles, recounting the e .... | |
ACTS FOR EVERYONE, PART ONE: CHAPTERS 1-12 (THE NEW TESTAMENT FOR EVER Wright, N. T. Book Description: : Writing in an accessable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to approach the rich and many-sided story of the book of Acts. Wright shows how the book builds on Luke's Gospel, laying out the continuing work and teaching of the now risen and ascended Jesus in the power of the Spirit. His writing .... | |
ACTS FOR EVERYONE, PART TWO: CHAPTERS 13-28 (THE NEW TESTAMENT FOR EVE Wright, N. T. Book Description: : Writing in an accessable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to approach the rich and many-sided story of the book of Acts. Wright shows how the book builds on Luke's Gospel, laying out the continuing work and teaching of the now risen and ascended Jesus in the power of the Spirit. His writing .... | |
ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Kurzinger Book by Kurzinger : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Kurzinger .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
ACTS OF THE APOSTLES: 1 Kurzinger Kurzinger .... | |
COMMENTARY ON ROMANS Nygren, Anders Book Description: This is an oldie but a goodie, It's in GREAT CONDITION. .... | |
EARLY CHRISTIAN LETTERS FOR EVERYONE - JAMES, PETER, JOHN Wright, N. T. Book Description: N. T. Wright has undertaken a tremendous task: to provide guides to all the books of the New Testament, and to include in them his own translation of the entire text. Each short passage is followed by a highly readable discussion, with background information, useful explanations and suggestions, and t .... | |
EPISTLE TO EPHESIANS Zerwick Book by Zerwick : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Zerwick .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
EPISTLE TO HEBREWS AND ST JAMES Schierse, F. J. Book by Schierse, F. J. : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Schierse, F. J. .... | |
EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS Schneider, Gerhard Book by Schneider, Gerhard : : Editorial Reviews: : Language Notes: : Text: English, German (translation) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. .... | |
EPISTLE TO THE PHILLIPIANS AND THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS Gnika, Joachim Book by Gnika, Joachim, Massner, Franz : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Gnika, Joachim, Massner, Franz .... | |
EPISTLES TO TITUS AND PHILEMON Reuss Book by : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by .... | |
FIRST AND SECOND EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS McKenzie, John L. Book by McKenzie, John L. : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by McKenzie, John L. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
FIRST AND SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY Reuss Book by Reuss : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Reuss .... | |
FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS (NEW TESTAMENT FOR SPIRITUAL READING) Walter, Eugen Editorial Reviews: : Language Notes: : Text: English, German (translation) .... | |
GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT MARK - VOL 2 Schnackenburg Book by : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by .... | |
GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST JOHN Huckle, John Book by Huckle, John : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Huckle, John .... | |
GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST JOHN Blank Book by Blank : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Blank .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST JOHN VOL 2 Blank Book by Blank : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Blank .... | |
![]() | GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST LUKE Stoger Book by Stoger : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Stoger .... |
GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. LUKE Stoger Editorial Reviews: : Language Notes: : Text: English, German (translation) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. .... | |
GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW Trilling, W. Book by Trilling, W. : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Trilling, W. .... | |
GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW Trilling, Wolfgang Book by Wolfgang Trilling : : Editorial Reviews: : Language Notes: : Text: English, German (translation) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
HEBREWS FOR EVERYONE Wright, Tom Book Description: : Writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to find our way around the letter to the Hebrews, one of the most challenging writings in the New Testament. He acknowledges that people often find it difficult, because some of the ideas it contains are strange to us. Yet, like mee .... | |
IN THE BEGINNING...': A CATHOLIC UNDERSTANDING OF THE STORY OF CREATIO Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal In four superb homilies and a concluding essay, Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, provides a clear and inspiring exploration of the Genesis creation narratives.: : While the stories of the world's creation and the fall of humankind have often been subjected to reductionism of one sort or another ― literalis .... | |
INVITATION TO MATTHEW: COMMENTARY ON THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW WITH COMPLE Senior, David Book Description: The complete text of the Gospel of Matthew from the Jerusalem Bible together with a lively commentary on its major themes. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
JOHN FOR EVERYONE, PART 1: CHAPTERS 1-10 (THE NEW TESTAMENT FOR EVERYO Wright, Tom Book Description: : Making use of his scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright manages to unravel the great complexity of the extraordinary Gospel of John. He describes it as "one of the great books in the literature of the world; and part of its greatness is the way it re .... | |
JOHN FOR EVERYONE, PART 2: CHAPTERS 11-21 (THE NEW TESTAMENT FOR EVERY Wright, Tom Book Description: : Making use of his scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright manages to unravel the great complexity of the extraordinary Gospel of John. He describes it as "one of the great books in the literature of the world; and part of its greatness is the way it re .... | |
LENT AND EASTER WITH THE CHURCH FATHERS United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (Author, Editor, Illustrator) These selections from the writings of the Fathers of the Church provide prayerful meditations for the Lent and Easter seasons. This daily companion will help readers reflect on the Paschal Mystery at the feet of some of the Church's greatest teachers. .... | |
LENTEN REFLECTIONS FROM A FATHER WHO KEEPS HIS PROMISES Hahn, Scott From Genesis to Jesus, these Lenten reflections based on A Father Who Keeps His Promises highlight biblical characters such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David that lead us to Christ and his sacrifice for us. Delving into the rich history of God's covenant with us, each day's reading gives the reader much to refle .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
LETTERS OF JOHN AND JUDE (THE DAILY STUDY BIBLE SERIES. -- REV. ED) (E Barclay, William The four letters in this volume all deal with heretical teachings within the early Church. Dr. Barclay describes the various forms in which Gnosticism appeared in 1 John, pointing out that some of its postions, such as the notion that the material world, including the human body, is evil, still infect the thinking of s .... | |
LETTERS TO THE EARLY CHURCH: A DEVOTIONAL COMMENTARY ON EPHESIANS THRO Book Description: Spanning more than fifteen years of St. Paul's career, these letters give us insight not only into the Apostle's vision of the gospel but also into the world of the early church. Philippians reveals believers striving to maintain and deepen their unity and love for one another. First and Second Thessa .... | |
LETTERS TO THE GALATIANS AND EPHESIANS (THE DAILY STUDY BIBLE SERIES - Barclay, William The daily readings in this volume are, as usual in the series, made up of Dr. Barclay's own translation of the passage to be considered and his interpretive commentary on the passage. THE LETTER TO THE GALATIANS strikes back at an attack that, in successful, might have made the community of Jesus'; followers merely a J .... | |
LUKE FOR EVERYONE (THE NEW TESTAMENT FOR EVERYONE) Wright, Tom Book Description: : Tom Wright's guide to Luke, which includes a wealth of information and background detail, provides real insights for our understanding of the story of Jesus and its implications for the reader. His clear style is accessible for new readers of the Bible, as well as to those who are further on. His ex .... | |
MARK FOR EVERYONE (THE NEW TESTAMENT FOR EVERYONE) Wright, Tom Book Description: : Tom Wright's eye-opening comments on the Gospel of Mark and what it might mean for us are combined, passage-by-passage, with his fresh translation of the Bible text. Making use of his true scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Wright captures the urgency and ex .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
MARK: STORYTELLER, INTERPRETER, EVANGELIST Moloney, Francis J. The earliest and briefest of the four Gospels has traditionally been ascribed to a disciple named Mark. In some ages it has been overshadowed by its lengthier neighbors in the New Testament, but its pages hold rich rewards for those who ask the right questions. Who was "Mark," and what were his goals—historical, the .... | |
MATTHEW FOR EVERYONE, PART 1: CHAPTERS 1-15 Wright, Tom Book Description: : Tom Wright's eye-opening comments on the Gospel of Matthew and what it might mean for us are combined, passage-by-passage, with his fresh translation of the Bible text. Making use of his true scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Wright captures the urgency and .... | |
MATTHEW FOR EVERYONE, PART 2: CHAPTERS 16-28 (THE NEW TESTAMENT FOR EV Wright, Tom Book Description: : Tom Wright's eye-opening comments on the Gospel of Matthew and what it might mean for us are combined, passage-by-passage, with his fresh translation of the Bible text. Making use of his true scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Wright captures the urgency and .... | |
MATTHEW: A DEVOTIONAL COMMENTARY : MEDITATIONS ON THE GOSPEL ACCORDING Zanchettin, Leo This devotional commentary contains a meditation for each passage in the Gospel of Matthew--120 in all--, accompanied by the complete text of Matthew from the RSV Bible. The focus is on the practical application of the Gospel to daily living. .... | |
![]() | MIND OF JESUS Barclay, William .... |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
NEW JEROME BIBLE HANDBOOK Brown, Raymond This handbook is drawn from the New Jerome Biblical Commentary with the full co-operation and help of the contributors and eidtors on whose work it is based. It makes available to general readers the background knowledge they need in a simple form, with the help of pictures and maps. The teaching of each book of the Bi .... | |
PAUL FOR EVERYONE: 1 CORINTHIANS (THE NEW TESTAMENT FOR EVERYONE) Wright, Tom Book Description: : Making use of his scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright shows us the liveliness of cosmopolitan Corinth and reveals the wisdom and challenge of Paul's writing, bringing out the pastoral sensitivity and deep insight that make this letter one of Paul's .... | |
PAUL FOR EVERYONE: 2 CORINTHIANS (THE NEW TESTAMENT FOR EVERYONE) Wright, Tom Book Description: : Making use of his scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to understand from the beginning of the second letter to the Corinthians that something unexplained yet terrible has happened. We feel the pain of Paul from the very opening lines as he .... | |
PAUL FOR EVERYONE: GALATIANS AND THESSALONIANS (THE NEW TESTAMENT FOR Tom (N. T.) Wright Book Description: : Tom Wright's eye-opening comments on these letters are combined, passage-by-passage, with his fresh and inviting new translation of the Bible text. Making use of his true scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Wright captures the tension and excitement of the ti .... | |
PAUL FOR EVERYONE: ROMANS, PART 2, CHAPTERS 9-16 Wright, N. T. Book Description: : Writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us see the great sweep of this letter. Romans has long been viewed as the book above all in which Paul puts forth the basic doctrines of the faith, and the picture of God's life for us. It is the classic setting-out of the Gospel.: : T .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
PAUL FOR EVERYONE: ROMANS, PART ONE (FOR EVERYONE) Wright, Tom Book Description: : Writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us see the great sweep of this letter. Romans has long been viewed as the book above all in which Paul puts forth the basic doctrines of the faith, and the picture of God's life for us. It is the classic setting-out of the Gospel.: : I .... | |
PAUL FOR EVERYONE: THE PASTORAL LETTERS: 1 AND 2 TIMOTHY, AND TITUS (T Tom (N. T.) Wright Book Description: : Writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to see the pastoral nature of these letters. Paul is anxious to see that those who profess the faith should allow the gospel to transform the whole of their lives, right down to the deepest part of their personality, and is concerne .... | |
PAUL FOR EVERYONE: THE PRISON LETTERS: EPHESIANS, PHILIPPIANS, COLOSSI Wright, Tom Book Description: : Making use of his scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright captures the verve and sparkle of these letters. Paul wrote the letters while in prison facing possible death, but their passion and energy are undimmed. They reveal Paul's longing to see young .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
READING SCRIPTURE WITH THE CHURCH FATHERS Hall, Christopher A. Many Christians today long to become reacquainted with their ancient ancestors in the faith. They see a deeper worship and devotion in the prayers and hymns of the early church. And they believe that the writings of the early church can shed new light on their understanding of Scripture. But where and how do we begin? .... | |
![]() | READING THE GOSPELS WITH THE CHURCH : FROM CHRISTMAS THROUGH EASTER E., Raymond (Raymond Edward) Brown "Much of chapters three, four, five, seven and eight originally appeared in Catholic Update. Chapter six originally appeared in America"--Verso t.p. .... |
READING THE LETTERS OF SAINT PAUL: STUDY, REFLECTION, AND PRAYER Thomas, Carolyn What can the teachings of St. Paul have to say to Christians in the 21st century? Plenty, according to Carolyn Thomas in this popularly written introduction to the major letters of St. Paul. : : Not a commentary in the usual sense, this work provides insights into the major issues covered in Paul's letters. The author .... | |
![]() | READING THE NEW TESTAMENT : AN INTRODUCTION Perkins, Pheme Includes indexes. .... |
REVELATION FOR EVERYONE (THE NEW TESTAMENT FOR EVERYONE) Wright, N. T. Book Description: N. T. Wright has undertaken a tremendous task: to provide guides to all the books of the New Testament, and to include in them his own translation of the entire text. Each short passage is followed by a highly readable discussion, with background information, useful explanations and suggestions, and t .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
REVELATION OF ST. JOHN Schick, Eduard .... | |
SECOND EPISTLE TO CORINTHIANS Schelkle Book by Schelkle : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Schelkle .... | |
SINCERELY YOURS, PAUL Foley, Leonard .... | |
TEACH, DELIGHT, PERSUADE: SCRIPTURAL HOMILIES FOR YEARS A, B, AND C Kinn, James W. This single-volume resource contains homilies drawn from all three readings for the Sundays and solemn feasts of liturgical years A, B, and C. Catechetical in approach, each homily will cover exegesis-a brief analysis of the intent of the scripture writer and the historical significance of the period and then provide p .... | |
THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Flanagan, Neal M. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Fitzmyer, Joseph A. For anyone interested in the origins of Christianity, Joseph A. Fitzmyer's The Acts of the Apostles is indispensable. Beginning with the Ascension of Christ into heaven, and ending with Paul proclaiming the kingdom of God from a prison in Rome, this New Testament narrative picks up where the Gospel of Luke left off. Th .... | |
THE BOOK OF ISAIAH, 40-66 (OLD TESTAMENT READING GUIDE) Stuhlmueller, Carroll .... | |
![]() | THE BOOK OF THE APOCALYPSE Heidt, William G. .... |
THE BOOK OF THE PROPHET ISAIAH, 1-39 (CAMBRIDGE BIBLE COMMENTARIES ON Book Description: In Isaiah 1-39 are included the oracles of a prophet who lived in the closing half of the eighth century B.C. His interest in contemporary politics and understanding of international affairs was the product of his faith in the Holy God, who rules in and over all history. Professor Herbert introduces t .... | |
THE BOOK OF THE PROPHET ISAIAH, CHAPTERS 40-66 (CAMBRIDGE BIBLE COMMEN Herbert, A. S. Book Description: Chapters 40-66 of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, addressed to the Jews in exile in Babylon, belong to a period from about 547 BC when Babylonian power was weakening before the might of King Cyrus of Persia. Isaiah not only saw this as the will of God, but asserted that God was directing events in ord .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
THE DAILY STUDY BIBLE THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES REVISED EDITION Barclay, William Hardcover. Revised edition of the Daily Study Bible's Acts of the Apostles. : : Editorial Reviews: : Hardcover. Revised edition of the Daily Study Bible's Acts of the Apostles. .... | |
THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS Barrett, C. K. .... | |
THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS (NEW TESTAMENT FOR SPIRITUAL READING) Kertelge, Karl Editorial Reviews: : Language Notes: : Text: English, German (translation) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. .... | |
THE EPISTLES OF JOHN: AN INTRODUCTION AND COMMENTARY (TYNDALE NEW TEST Stott, John R. W. Book Description: : The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (TNTC) have long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world's most distinguished evangelicals scholars, including F. F. Bruce, Leon Morris, N. T. Wright, and Donald Guthrie, these twenty volumes offer clear, reliable and relevant expl .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
THE EPISTLES TO THE GALATIANS AND TO THE ROMANS (NEW TESTAMENT READING Mary, Barnabas (ed) Ahern Book Description: Passionist priest comments on the details of these epistles. .... | |
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN I-XII (ANCHOR BIBLE SERIES, VOL. 29) Brown, Raymond E. The Anchor Bible Series, Vol. 29. The Gospel According to John I-XII. A New translation with introduction and commentary by Raymond E. Brown. : : Editorial Reviews: : From the Back Cover: : Commentaries (C) and Reference Library (RL) volumes on the Old and New Testaments and Apocrypha: : The contributors: : William F. .... | |
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN XIII-XXI (ANCHOR BIBLE, VOL 29, PART A) Brown, Raymond Edward This volume concludes Raymond E. Brown's commentary on the Gospel of John. Continuing his study begun in Anchor Bible Volume 29, the author translates the original Greek text into today's English. which allows all readers to make sense of the Gospel. : : Editorial Reviews: : From the Inside Flap: : concludes Raymond E. .... | |
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. JOHN VOLUME 1 Schnackenburg, Rudolf .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
THE GOSPEL OF JOHN, VOL. 1 (THE DAILY STUDY BIBLE SERIES) Barclay, William Millions of readers have found these distinctive commentaries the ideal help for both-devotional reading and serious Bible study. The complete series furnished a comprehensive commentary and devotional study guide on the New Testament for individuals or groups who want to discover what the messages of the New Testament .... | |
THE GOSPEL OF JOHN, VOL. 2 Barclay, William This volume covers John 8 through 21.: : The Gospel of John, says Dr. Barclay, "is an amazing book. It can be read and loved without any commentary at all. But the more we study John, the more wealth arises out of it...There is many a phrase in John whose greatness a man will not exhaust in a lifetime, let alone in a s .... | |
THE GOSPEL OF LUKE Barclay, William Gospel of Luke, Its in the Bible. Thought to be by Luke the Physician, traveling companion to St. Paul. : : Editorial Reviews: : Gospel of Luke, Its in the Bible. Thought to be by Luke the Physician, traveling companion to St. Paul. .... | |
THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Sri, Edward This engaging commentary on the Gospel of Matthew is the fifth of seventeen volumes in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS), which will cover the entire New Testament. This volume, like each in the series, relates Scripture to life, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help .... | |
THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW SJ, Daniel J. Harrington Matthew wrote his Gospel from his perspective as a Jew. It is with sensitivity to this perspective that Father Harrington undertakes this commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. : : After an introduction, he provides a literal translation of each section in Matthew's Gospel and explains the textual problems, philological .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW: VOL. 2, CHAPTERS 11-28 (THE DAILY STUDY BIBLE S Barclay, William Dr. Barclay clarifies these and many other interesting and perplexing matters in this second volume of The Gospel of Matthew. As usual in the series, the "lessons" are arranged for daily reading. The text comes first in Dr. Barclay's own translation, followed in each case by his commentary. .... | |
THE GREAT COURSES: BIBLICAL WISDOM LITERATURE - WITH 3 DVDS Koterski, Father Joseph W. In 36 thought-provoking lectures, you'll explore enlightening teachings that have inspired the world and that continue to speak to life's most important questions. Throughout, you'll benefit from Father Koterski's ecumenical perspective, as he presents these teachings within the Jewish and Christian traditions and comp .... | |
THE KINGDOM AND THE GLORY: THE GOSPEL OF ST. MATTHEW McBride, Alfred Book Description: Book by McBride, Alfred .... | |
THE LETTER TO THE HEBREWS. REVISED EDITION. TRANSLATED WITH AN INTRODU Barclay, William The Daily Study Bible Series : : Editorial Reviews: : The Daily Study Bible Series .... | |
THE LETTERS OF JAMES AND PETER. REVISED EDITION. TRANSLATED WITH AN IN Barclay, William The Letters of James and Peter. Revised Edition. Translated with an Introduction and Interpretation [paperback] BARCLAY, WILLIAM [Jan 01, 1976] A-11 : : Editorial Reviews: : The Letters of James and Peter. Revised Edition. Translated with an Introduction and Interpretation [paperback] BARCLAY, WILLIAM [Jan 01, 1976] A- .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
THE LETTERS TO THE CORINTHIANS, REVISED EDITION Barclay, William 268 page paperback religious book. : : Editorial Reviews: : 268 page paperback religious book. .... | |
THE LETTERS TO THE PHILIPPIANS, COLOSSIANS, AND THESSALONIANS (DAILY S Barclay, William Here, as in the other titles in this series, is Dr. Barclay's own translation of the day's study together with his enlightening commentary. Written by Paul in prison at Rome, the letter to the Philippians is theologically concerned with the real identification of Jesus both with God and with humanity. The letter to the .... | |
THE LETTERS TO TIMOTHY, TITUS AND PHILEMON (THE DAILY STUDY BIBLE SERI Barclay, William These four letters, too often neglected, possess an interest that is quite unique to church people today. I and II Timothy and Titus, known as the Pastoral Epistles, deal with extremely practical matters of church management and personal conduct. The little letter to Philemon is the only private letter of Paul that we .... | |
THE METHOD AND MESSAGE OF MARK Stock, Augustine .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
THE ORIGIN OF SATAN Pagels, Elaine From the religious historian whose The Gnostic Gospels won both the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award comes a dramatic interpretation of Satan and his role on the Christian tradition. With magisterial learning and the elan of a born storyteller, Pagels turns Satan's story into an audacious .... | |
THE PARABLES OF JESUS Barclay, William William Barclay brings to these "best-known stories in the world" new force and significance for the modern reader. Each chapter analyzes an individual parable--identifies its theme, explains it in the light of the language and customs of the ancient world, and clearly interprets its meaning for us today.: : The Willia .... | |
THE REVELATION OF JOHN, VOL. 1: CHAPTERS 1 TO 5 (THE DAILY STUDY BIBLE Barclay, William Dr. Barclay does more than clarify the meaning of the imagery. His commentary covers many interesting subjects, such as the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the probable facts about John's exile on the island, and the meaning of Christ's knocking at the door. .... | |
THE REVELATION OF JOHN: VOLUME 2 (CHAPTERS 6 TO 22) (DAILY STUDY BIBLE Barclay, William In The Revelation of John, noted Scottish Bible interpreter William Barclay follows the formula of the Daily Study Bible by first giving the text of the day's study in his own translation, followed by two or three pages of commentary. .... | |
THE THREE EPISTLES OF SAINT JOHN AND THE EPISTLE OF SAINT JUDE Thusing, Wilhelm Book by Thusing, Wilhelm, Stoger, Alois : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Thusing, Wilhelm, Stoger, Alois .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
THE WAY OPENED UP BY JESUS:: A COMMENTARY ON THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW (KY Pagola, José A. Jesus never intended to found a Church made up of adherents to a religion, but to call together followers of the Way that he was opening up. Christian communities can only live up to that vision by keeping the real life person of Jesus and his message, the reign of God, at the center of their life. The four gospels, wr .... | |
THE WORD IN AND OUT OF SEASON: HOMILIES FOR THE SUNDAYS OF ADVENT AND Viladesau, Richard The fourth in this series of homily collections offers inspiring homilies for the Advent and Lent seasons. .... | |
TO PRAISE, TO BLESS, TO PREACH: SPIRITUAL REFLECTIONS ON THE SUNDAY GO Cameron, Peter J. Book by Cameron, Peter J. : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Cameron, Peter J. .... | |
WHAT ARE THEY SAYING ABOUT MARK? PH.D., Daniel J Harrington S.J. Perhaps the most striking development in biblical studies in recent years has been the proliferation of "new" methods used in approaching the texts. While in most circles the historical-critical method remains fundamental, biblical interpreters now routinely draw on "new" approaches developed in linguistics, literary s .... | |
WHAT ARE THEY SAYING ABOUT MATTHEW? REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION Senior, Donald The sheer volume of scholarship on Matthew has grown even larger recently because of renewed interest in the Jewish background of Jesus and the New Testament. Donald Senior, distinguished biblical scholar, writer, and teacher, surveys a list of nearly one hundred new articles and books published in North America and in .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Commentary | |
WHAT THE GOSPELS MEANT Wills, Garry "A remarkable achievement--a learned yet eminently readable and provocative exploration of the four small books that reveal most of what's known about the life and death of Jesus." (Los Angeles Times): : Look out for a new book from Garry Wills, What the Qur'an Meant, coming fall 2017.: : In his New York Times bestsell .... | |
WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM?: AN ADULT INQUIRY INTO THE FIRST THREE GOSPE Ciuba, Edward J. Adapting sound biblical scholarship to the contemporary scene, Msgr. Ciuba provides an excellent introduction to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Utilizing the best critical tools, methods, and conclusions of contemporary scholarship and applying these in such a way that the ordinary lay person will appreciate th .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Meditations | |
A PILGRIMS ALMANAC: REFLECTIONS FOR EACH DAY OF THE YEAR Hays, Edward With a brief reflection for each day of the year, this almanac is appropriate for every year. These wise and challenging meditations celebrate seasons, famous birthdays, dates of wondrous inventions, historical occurrences, and sacred observances. .... | |
BEHOLD THE CROSS: MEDITATIONS FOR THE JOURNEY OF FAITH Kelly, Tony Based on the original Stations of the Cross, the reflections in this work by noted Redemptorist theologian Tony Kelly include stations with a more secure biblical basis -- the Last Supper, the Agony in the Garden, and the Resurrection -- in place of some of the traditional stations, such as Jesus' meeting with His moth .... | |
BEHOLD, HE COMES: MEDITATIONS ON THE INCARNATION: DAILY READINGS FROM Groeschel, C.F.R. Fr. Benedict J. The coming of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, is the central truth of the Christian faith. Everything in the Christian life depends on it and revolves around it. Against the backdrop of Scripture and the writings of the ancient Fathers of the Church, for each day of the Advent and Christmas seasons, Father Groeschel .... | |
BIBLICAL MEDITATIONS FOR ADVENT AND THE CHRISTMAS SEASON Stuhlmueller, Carroll Book Description: Daily Bible readings for each weekday and Sunday of each of three church-year cycles are summarized. Reflections for each day are given, based on scriptural scholarship. .... | |
BIBLICAL MEDITATIONS FOR LENT Stuhlmueller, Carroll Book Description: Readings for each weekday as well as the Sundays of each of the three cycles are summarized and reflections for each day are given based on scriptural scholarship. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Meditations | |
BIBLICAL MEDITATIONS FOR ORDINARY TIME: PART I, WEEKS 1 TO 9 Sthulmueller, Carroll Book Description: I, Weeks 1-9, Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P. Readings for each weekday and Sunday of each of the three cycles are summarized. Reflections for each day are given, based on scriptural scholarship. .... | |
BIBLICAL MEDITATIONS FOR ORDINARY TIME: PART II, WEEKS 10 TO 22 C.P., Carroll Stuhlmueller Book Description: Weeks 10-22, Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P. Readings for each weekday and Sunday of each of the three cycles are summarized. Reflections for each day are given, based on scriptural scholarship. .... | |
BIBLICAL MEDITATIONS FOR ORDINARY TIME: PART III, WEEKS 23 TO 34 C.P., Carroll Stuhlmueller Book Description: Weeks 23-34, Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P. Readings for each weekday and Sunday of each of the three cycles are summarized. Reflections for each day are given, based on scriptural scholarship. .... | |
BIBLICAL MEDITATIONS FOR THE EASTER SEASON Stuhlmueller, Carroll Book Description: Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P. Readings for each weekday as well as the Sundays of each of the three cycles are summarized and reflections for each day are given, based on scriptural scholarship. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Meditations | |
IN CONVERSATION WITH GOD: MEDITATIONS FOR EACH DAY OF THE YEAR (7 VOLU Fernandez, Francis Author Francis Fernandez-Carvajal makes generous use of the writings of the great saints as he brings you focused and moving meditations on themes taken from the Mass readings for that day, the liturgical season, and more. This work is rich and extensive enough to serve as your spiritual reading for a lifetime, as it h .... | |
![]() | PRAY WITH BIBLE - VOLUME 1 - 7 Quesson, Noel .... |
PSALMS AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF STRESS: POETIC-COMMUNAL INTERPRETATIO Sylva, Dennis Professor Sylva has written a major book in what Clifford Geertz terms "blurred genres." By that Geertz means a study that refuses to stay slotted in a specified scholarly discipline, but reaches across such distinctions, in order to face real and complex human issues. As biblical scholarship moves out of its more posi .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Biblical Meditations | |
![]() | THE LAMP OF LIFE RENEWED Swenson, Roger A. Editorial Reviews: : Very good copy .... |
SJV Parish General Library - Catechism | |
A MOMENT OF GRACE: JOHN CARDINAL O'CONNOR ON THE CATECHISM OF THE CATH O'Connor, John Joseph Cardinal Cardinal John O'Connor of New York presents profound meditations on all aspects of the Catholic faith based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. In a style that is personal and informal, Cardinal O'Connor draws from the Scriptures, Vatican II and real life examples and experiences to help the reader have a better a .... | |
BASICS OF THE FAITH: A CATHOLIC CATECHISM Schreck, Alan Book Description: Who is God? How does the Church help me to know God better? What is the connection between faith and reason, between the spiritual life and "real life"? These questions and many others are answered simply and with clarity by the best-selling author. This book will give you an introduction to the Catho .... | |
CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH II, JOHN PAUL Book Description: The Catholic catechism was published in Latin as the "Editio Typica". This text is the English translation of the "Editio Typica" and includes a 64-page readers' guide. There have been some changes, including: the original sentence on criminal punishment has been omitted, reflecting a developing conse .... | |
COMPENDIUM : CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic Book Description: Catholics' hunger for the faith continues to grow. Pope Benedict XVI gives the Church the "food" that is seeks in the 598 questions and answers in the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This 200-page volume offers a quick synopsis of the essential contents of the faith as promulgated .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Catechism | |
LIFE IN CHRIST: A CATHOLIC CATECHISM FOR ADULTS Weber, Killgallon Book Description: Life In Christ is a concise, clear and comprehensive catechism for adults in a traditional question-and-answer format. .... | |
THE COMPANION TO THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: A COMPENDIUM OF Press, Ignatius The Catechism of the Catholic Church reads "often the texts of Sacred Scripture are not quoted literally but merely indicated as a reference (`Cf.') in the footnotes. For a deeper understanding of those passages, the reader should go to the texts themselves. These Biblical references are a working tool for catechesis." .... | |
UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CATECHISM FOR ADULT Bishops, US Conference of Catholic Book Description: The presence of the Catholic Church in the United States reaches back to the founding days of our country through the leadership of Archbishop John Carroll, the first Catholic bishop in the United States. His story, like other stories at the start of the chapters in the United States Catholic Catechis .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Catholicism | |
ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS WITH THE CHURCH FATHERS (LIBRERIA EDITRICE VATICA Pappalardo, Marco Advent and Christmas with the Church Fathers contains selections from the writings of the Fathers of the Church that provide prayerful meditations for the Advent and Christmas seasons. This daily companion will help readers prepare for and celebrate the Birth of Christ by reflecting on the writing of some of the Church .... | |
ADVENT WITH POPE FRANCIS Francis Let the inspiring words of Pope Francis guide your Advent journey of preparation to fully celebrate the birth of Christ. This daily devotional includes Scripture citations for each day of the season, a selection of the Holy Father's writings, reflection questions, and a prayer. It will be the perfect volume to remind y .... | |
BREAKING TRUST: A PRIEST LOOKS AT THE SCANDAL OF SEXUAL ABUSE (WORLD A Bausch, William J In this searing and soul-searching book, Bill Bausch considers the current crisis of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. He seeks out the facts, analyzes the current climate, as well as gauges the reactions of ordinary people in parishes. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Catholicism | |
CATHOLIC HOUSEHOLD BLESSINGS & PRAYERS Bis, United States Conference of Catholic Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers is a family resource for exploring the Catholic tradition of prayer (Also available in Hardcover, 5-645).. .... | |
CHURCH AS SACRAMENT (DOGMA, VOL 5) Schmaus Volume 5 in the Chrisitan Classic Dogma series. : : Editorial Reviews: : Volume 5 in the Chrisitan Classic Dogma series. .... | |
CHURCH: ITS ORIGINS AND STRUCTURES (DOGMA, VOLUME 4) Schmaus, Michael Book by Schmaus, Michael : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Schmaus, Michael .... | |
COME, HOLY SPIRIT: THOUGHTS ON RENEWING THE EARTH AS THE KINGDOM OF GO Ford, Francis Xavier Edition for 1953 published under title: Come, Holy Ghost. .... | |
DOGMA VOLUME 2: GOD AND CREATION Book by Michael Schmaus : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Michael Schmaus .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Catholicism | |
![]() | DOORS TO THE SACRED: A HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION TO SACRAMENTS IN THE CA Martos, Joseph Newly Revised and Expanded in light of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and with an expanded resource section, Doors to the Sacred remains a detailed account of the historical and cultural evolution of the sacraments--and the rituals and practices associated with them. .... |
FAITH THAT TRANSFORMS US: REFLECTIONS ON THE CREED Wuerl, Cardinal Donald The truths of our faith are more than wordsthey are living truths that are meant to make a difference in our lives. Every single revelation of God can be life-changing and transforming when we understand it, live it out, and share it with others. This book by Cardinal Donald Wuerl is a positive, uplifting, and joyful p .... | |
FOUNDATIONS IN FAITH: HANDBOOK FOR SPONSORS Benziger, RCL "In our complete series of resources for RCIA you have all you need to make your community's experience of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults deeply transformative, not only for the catechumens and candidates, but for all in the community"--Publisher. .... | |
GOD AND HIS CHRIST (DOGMA VOLUME 3) Schmaus, Michael .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Catholicism | |
GOD: FATHER & CREATOR - CREED VOLUME 1 II, Pope John Paul In this first of three volumes which deal with the Trinity, the Pope reflects on the mystery of God the Father. John Paul II presents the mystery of God in a fresh, modern persepctive that can meet the contemporary challenges of atheism and unbelief. .... | |
![]() | GOOD NEWS ABOUT SEX & MARRIAGE (REVISED EDITION): ANSWERS TO YOUR HONE West, Christopher Editorial Reviews .... |
HANDBOOK FOR TODAY'S CATHOLIC: BELIEFS, PRACTICES, PRAYERS (A REDEMPTO Publication, A Redemptorist Pastoral Book Description: The basic purpose of this handbook is to provide information on the essentials of Catholicism and to enlighten all who wish to live out the teachings of Vatican II. The content is divided into four sections: Beliefs ~ Practices ~ Prayers ~ Living the Faith in the Spirit of Vatican II. At the back of t .... | |
HANDBOOK OF CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS Kreeft, Peter Voted one of Christianity Today's 1995 Books of the Year Reasonable, concise, witty and wise, Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli have written an informative and valuable guidebook for anyone looking for answers to questions of faith and reason. Topics include: : : faith and reason: : the existence of God: : God's natur .... | |
HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE LITURGY Lebon, Jean Translation of: Pour vivre la liturgie. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Catholicism | |
JESUS: SON & SAVIOR - CREED VOLUME 2 II, Pope John Paul The Pope here takes up the mystery of Jesus Christ, Son of God and our Savior. This volume offers a complete overview of Christology. Beginning with a consideration of the mystery of sin, the Pope goes on to consider the identity of Jesus Christ. .... | |
JOURNEYS HOME Grodi, Marcus Book Description: Edited by Marcus C. Grodi, M.Div This book is the foundation of what The Coming Home Network is all about: the journeys of Protestant clergy and laity coming home to the Catholic Church. The Coming Home Network is a lay ministry committed to helping Protestant clergy during and after they have made th .... | |
JUSTIFICATION AND THE LAST THINGS (JUSTIFICATION AND THE LAST THINGS) Book by Michael Schmaus : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Michael Schmaus .... | |
LIFT YOUR SAILS Dwyer, Vincent Book Description: In this book, Father Vincent Dwyer provides a very special guide that can help every Christian attain full spiritual and psychological wholeness. "The winds of God's grace are always blowing, but we must make an effort to lift our sails." That is the recurring philosophy that threads throughout this i .... | |
MERE CHRISTIANITY Lewis, C.S. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Catholicism | |
MODELS OF THE CHURCH (IMAGE CLASSICS) Dulles, Avery Book Description: : There is today a dramatic reexamination of structure, authority, dogma -- indeed, every aspect of the life of the Church is held up to scrutiny. Welcoming this as a sign of vitality, Avery Dulles has carefully studied the writings of contemporary Protestant and Catholic ecclesiologists and sifted ou .... | |
MODERN CATHOLICISM: VATICAN II AND AFTER Hastings, Adrain When Pope John XXIII convened the Second Vatican Council in 1963, he could not have predicted the dramatic transformation of modern Roman Catholicism that would result from its deliberations. Its influence has reached into every aspect of Catholic life and continues to be felt and hotly debated to the present day. In t .... | |
PRIESTS FOR A NEW MILLENNIUM: A SERIES OF ESSAYS ON THE MINISTERIAL PR Ministry, Commitee on Priestly Life and (Editor) This collection of 12 essays addresses themes including the priest in communio; acting in persona Christi; priestly fraternity; and the role of the priest as catechist and chief evangelist. .... | |
REBUILT: AWAKENING THE FAITHFUL, REACHING THE LOST, AND MAKING CHURCH White, Michael J. "Our parish wasn't working," said the leaders of a Catholic church in Maryland "We didn't know how to fix it. We can learn from churches that are getting it right." Drawing on the wisdom gleaned from thriving mega-churches and innovative business leaders while anchoring their vision in the Eucharistic center of Catholi .... | |
REDEMPTIVE INTIMACY: A NEW PERSPECTIVE FOR THE JOURNEY TO ADULT FAITH Westley, Dick Book Description: by Loyola University professor .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Catholicism | |
REDISCOVER CATHOLICISM Kelly, Matthew Book Description: Over the past 20 years, Matthew Kelly has seen more of the world than most presidents and more of the Church than most bishops. Now, in this unique and timely book, he proposes that Catholicism is not a lifeless set of rules and regulations , but a way of life designed by God to help each person reach .... | |
THE CATHOLIC WAY: FAITH FOR LIVING TODAY Wuerl, Bishop Donald The Catholic Way is an up-to-date reflection on what it means to be a Catholic today. It is a clear, intelligent, and authoritative guide to the perennial faith of the Catholic Church as presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Written by a bishop recognized internationally and nationally for his teaching and .... | |
THE CHURCH: MYSTERY, SACRAMENT, COMMUNITY, VOL. 4 (JOHN PAUL, CATECHES II, Pope John Paul Book by Pope John Paul II, John : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Pope John Paul II, John .... | |
THE COURAGE TO BE CATHOLIC: CRISIS, REFORM AND THE FUTURE OF THE CHURC Weigel, George Book Description: When sexual scandals rocked the American Catholic Church, many observers and faithful alike called on the church to abandon its tenets on the vocation of the priesthood and sexuality outside marriage-to, in effect, become more Protestant. Acclaimed theologian and best-selling author George Weigel saw .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Catholicism | |
THE JOY OF BELIEVING: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE CATHOLIC FAITH Lori, Archbishop William Book Description: With clarity and insight, Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore helps readers discover the joy that comes from walking with Jesus and living our faith. Following the structure of the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Archbishop Lori explains what the Church believes and how we can bes .... | |
THE NICENE CREED FOR TODAY (POCKET FAITH) Simpson, Br. Gregory Book Description: : Although the Nicene Creed dates from the fourth century, the story of how it was written is quite contemporary-an account of people of faith fighting half-truths that threatened to ravage the Christian world.: : "Simpson offers a brief, clear layman's narrative of how the Nicene Creed reached its pr .... | |
THE ONE THING IS THREE: HOW THE MOST HOLY TRINITY EXPLAINS EVERYTHING Gaitley, Michael E. With humor and ease, Father Michael Gaitley, MIC, deftly unlocks the "one thing," the key to the Church's wisdom, and the greatest mystery of the Catholic faith: the Most Holy Trinity. Far from being a scholarly or academic read, The "One Thing" is Three makes deep theology accessible to every-day Catholics. What's mor .... | |
THE RCIA: TRANSFORMING THE CHURCH Morris, Thomas H The most up-to-date resource book on the RCIA available that offers general guidelines and practical directions on specific areas of pastoral concern. : † .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Catholicism | |
THE SACRAMENTS WE CELEBRATE A CATHOLIC GUIDE TO THE SEVEN MYSTERIES OF Vaghi, Peter J. Drawing from the "Catechism of the Catholic Church," the "U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults," and the writings of Benedict XVI and John Paul II, Msgr. Peter Vaghi's easy-to-use resource considers each of the sacraments from a personal, communal, and social perspective. The chapters explore the sacraments as a whole an .... | |
THE SPIRIT OF THE LITURGY Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal Considered by Ratzinger devotees as his greatest work on the Liturgy, this profound and beautifully written treatment of the "great prayer of the Church" will help readers rediscover the Liturgy in all its hidden spiritual wealth and transcendent grandeur as the very center of our Christian life. In his own foreward to .... | |
THE SPIRIT, GIVER OF LIFE AND LOVE (A CATECHESIS ON THE CREED) II, Pope John Paul The Pope explores the relation of the Holy Spririt to the life of the Church as a whole, to that of the individual Christian, to the sacraments, to the Church's eschatological hope, and to ministry - to name but a few. .... | |
THE TOTAL PARISH MANUAL: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO EMPOWER YOUR FAITH COM Bausch, William J. Includes bibliographical references (p. 309) and index. .... | |
THIS IS THE FAITH: A COMPLETE EXPLANATION OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH Ripley, Canon Francis Book Description: Originally published in 1951 (with minor updates in 2002), the book covers the nature of God, the nature of man, the meaning of life, the nature of religion, the sources of Faith, the necessity of prayer, the duty of belief, the consequences of sin, the Commandments of God, the Holy Trinity, belief in .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Catholicism | |
![]() | TOOLS FOR REBUILDING : 75 REALLY, REALLY PRACTICAL WAYS TO MAKE YOUR P White, Michael Includes bibliographical references.: : Strategic tools -- Building tools -- Office tools -- Communication tools -- People tools -- Weekend tools -- Preaching tools -- Sacramental tools -- Kids and student tools -- Money tools -- Staff tools -- Critical tools -- Fun tools -- Overall tools. .... |
VATICAN II WE'VE ONLY JUST BEGUN: IT HAS ONLY JUST BEGUN! Pennington, M Basil Editorial Reviews .... | |
WHAT MAKES US CATHOLIC: EIGHT GIFTS FOR LIFE Groome, Thomas H. What makes a Catholic a Catholic? According to Thomas Groome, an expert on the essential ingredients of Catholic Christianity, Catholics share certain vital features of life and identity. What Makes Us Catholic explains and illuminates that character, and invites Catholics of all kinds to connect more deeply and imagin .... | |
WORSHIP WITHOUT WORDS: THE SIGNS AND SYMBOLS OF OUR FAITH Klein, Patricia S. Book Description: For those who are new to the liturgical church, the images and customs which surround its tradition may be foreign elements of the worship experience. This handbook includes the meaning and the historical context of the signs, symbols, and gestures commonly encountered in liturgical churches and worsh .... | |
YOUR GOD IS TOO BORING Leonetti, Jon Some say, Catholicism is outdated. It's behind the times. It's boring. They've forgotten our story. It's time to rediscover that there is genius in Catholicism. Christianity has captivated the world for more than two thousand years. Look a little closer, and you ll see that it is the most dangerous and exciting thing o .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Christian Living/Virtues | |
A BRIEF READER ON THE VIRTUES OF THE HUMAN HEART Pieper, Josef Book Description: "Josef Pieper's account of the centrality and meaning of the virtues is a needed primer to teach us exactly the meaning and relationship of the virtues and how they relate to the faith and its own special virtues. Pieper's attention is ever to the particular virtue, its precise meaning, and to its con .... | |
A GOOD LIFE: BENEDICT'S GUIDE TO EVERYDAY JOY Benson, Robert Book Description: "There is no shortage of good days," writes Annie Dillard. "It is good lives that are hard to come by." Reflecting on what makes a "good life," Robert Benson offers a warmhearted, humorous guide to enriching our lives with the wisdom of Benedict, a 6th century monk. Each chapter is shaped around a Ben .... | |
A NEW SONG TO THE LORD: HOPE AND TRUST RENEWED Healey, Charles J. Includes bibliographical references. .... | |
ARISE FROM DARKNESS: WHAT TO DO WHEN LIFE DOESN'T MAKE SENSE Groeschel, Fr. Benedict J. Well-known author, psychologist and priest Fr. Benedict Groeschel draws on his own years of personal experiences in dealing with people's problems, tragedies and "darkness" as he offers help and guidance for any Christian troubled or burdened by life. If you are struggling with fear, anxiety, grief, loss of loved ones, .... | |
![]() | BEATIFUL HOPE Kelly, Matthew .... |
SJV Parish General Library - Christian Living/Virtues | |
COMPASSION: A REFLECTION ON THE CHRISTIAN LIFE Nouwen, Henri J.M. Editorial Reviews: : From the Publisher: : A provocative essay that places compassion at the heart of Christian life as a counterbalance and a challenge to a world governed far too long by principles of power and destructive control. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. .... | |
CRISIS OF FAITH, CRISIS OF LOVE Keating, Thomas Editorial Reviews .... | |
DARE TO BE HOLY: ONE MAN'S JOURNEY TO PRACTICAL HOLINESS Wegner, Bill Editorial Reviews: : Bill Wegner was an American success story. He rose from a modest childhood to become a prosperous businessman, community leader and elected official. Combined with a wonderful family, he seemed to have it all. Yet he was still unsatisfied. This is the story of what was missing in his life: a relati .... | |
DESIGN FOR WHOLENESS: DEALING WITH ANGER, LEARNING TO FORGIVE, BUILDIN Sofield, Brother Loughlan Includes bibliographical references (p. 147-148). .... | |
DISCIPLE STORY: EVERY CHRISTIAN'S JOURNEY Corrigan, Gregory M. Editorial Reviews: : Book by Corrigan, Gregory M. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Christian Living/Virtues | |
![]() | EVERYBODY NEEDS TO FORGIVE SOMEBODY: 12 STORIES OF REAL PEOPLE WHO DIS Hunt, Allen Forgiveness will unleash a power in your life that is underrated and often ignored. : : It is underrated mainly because it is underused. We fail to capture the power of forgiveness because we are afraid of it, because we have grown comfortable in our familiar wounds, or because we are sinfully stubborn. But the power i .... |
FAITHFUL FOR LIFE Bishops, Us Catholic Provides moral reflections and stresses the mission to respect human life. : : Editorial Reviews: : From the Back Cover: : The Gospel of Life Evangelium Vitae On the Value and Inviolability of Human Life Reaffirming the "greatness and inestimable value of human life," Pope John Paul II discusses in this encyclical lett .... | |
FINDING TRUE HAPPINESS Sheen, Fulton Editorial Reviews: : About the Author: : Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen is arguably the most beloved Catholic televangelist and radio personality of modern times. At the age of 24, Sheen was ordained a priest and began to capture the hearts and minds of people through his preaching and teaching of the Gospel in a way that .... | |
LIFE EVERLASTING Bransfield, Brian Everyone encounters the question of death at some point in their lives. We all ask it and to some degree, we all try to avoid it. But we who are Christian turn to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus for answers. Walk with Monsignor J. Brian Bransfield as he follows the threads that run through our lives and the g .... | |
![]() | LOVE OF JESUS AND THE LOVE OF NEIGHBORS Rahner, Karl Book by Rahner, Karl : : Editorial Reviews: : Language Notes: : Text: English, German (translation) .... |
SJV Parish General Library - Christian Living/Virtues | |
MIXED BLESSINGS Comin, Paula Ripple Here is a collection of thoughts, reflections, and stories from Paula's own life. She shares some of the joys and struggles she has encountered as she has faced her memories, as well as some of the insights she has found along the way. She encourages readers to reflect on their own memories, and to open their lives to .... | |
PERFECTLY YOURSELF: DISCOVERING GOD'S DREAM FOR YOU Kelly, Matthew Do you ever get the feeling that you are not enough? Not smart enough, not beautiful enough, not loved enough, not rich enough, not good enough. . . . We all feel this from time to time even the rich, the famous, the beautiful, the geniuses in this world. These feelings are usually born from comparing ourselves with ot .... | |
RADICAL HOSPITALITY Pratt, Lonnie Collins Book Description: Pratt and Homan, bestselling authors of Benedict's Way, demonstrate that true Benedictine hospitality is more important in today's post -- 9/11 world than ever before. The Way of Hospitality offers a wise and humorous look into the monastic way of welcoming the stranger and entertaining the cherished .... | |
TAKE THE PLUNGE: LIVING BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION Radcliffe, Timothy Timothy Radcliffe holds a unique position in the modern Catholic Church. As Master of the Dominican Order in Rome for nine years, he held one of the most senior and influential appointments the Catholic Church has on offer. But he is a member of an Order of Preachers and is thus truly apostolic. The order's motto consi .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Christian Living/Virtues | |
THE BIGGEST LIE IN THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY: HOW THE MODERN CULTURE Kelly, Matthew Do you believe it's possible to be happier than you have ever been before? Not for fleeting moments, but consistently? Bestselling author Matthew Kelly believes it is possible-and in his latest book, The Biggest Lie, he explains how. : : We all want to be happy and live life to the fullest, but the answer isn't found i .... | |
THE FOUR SIGNS OF A DYNAMIC CATHOLIC Kelly, Matthew Editorial Reviews: : Review: : Matthew Kelly has a once in a generation ability to bring the genius of Catholicism to life for the average person. The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic is brilliantly simple and practical. Every Catholic in America should read this book! --Allen Hunt --This text refers to the Hardcover e .... | |
THE GOSPEL WITHOUT COMPROMISE Doherty, Catherine Book Description: Informational book, focusing on the importance of the Gospel. .... | |
THE LONG VIEW Kelly, Matthew Editorial Reviews: : About the Author: : Matthew Kelly is the New York Times bestselling author of The Rhythm of Life and twenty other books that have been published in more than twenty-five languages and have sold more than 15 million copies. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Christian Living/Virtues | |
THE MYSTERY OF LOVE Hume, Cardinal Basil Book Description: How do we find God in a busy and noisy world? The Mystery of Love presents a collection of starting points to inspire prayer and meditation, drawn from sermons given by the late Cardinal Basil Hume. .... | |
THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED Peck, M. Scott Book Description: The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth: 316 pp. "Psychotherapy is all things to all people in this mega-selling pop-psychology watershed, which features a new introduction by the author in this 25th anniversary edition. His agenda in this tome, which .... | |
![]() | TO DANCE WITH GOD: FAMILY RITUAL AND COMMUNITY CELEBRATION Nelson, Gertrud Mueller Editorial Reviews .... |
![]() | WHEN GOD WHISPERS YOUR NAME Lucado, Max .... |
SJV Parish General Library - Church Documents | |
CALLED & GIFTED FOR THE THIRD MILLENNIUM Publishing, USCCB (Creator) Editorial Reviews .... | |
CANON LAW FOR RELIGIOUS Gallen, Joseph F. Book Description: Book by Gallen, Joseph F. .... | |
CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING: OUR BEST KEPT SECRET Henriot, Peter J. Rev. and enl. ed. of: Our best kept secret / Michael J. Schultheis, Edward P. DeBerri, Peter J. Henriot. .... | |
CEREMONIES OF THE MODERN ROMAN RITE: THE EUCHARIST AND THE LITURGY OF Elliott, Peter Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite is a manual for clergy and all those involved in liturgical ministries. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Church Documents | |
CO-WORKERS IN THE VINEYARD OF THE LORD: A RESOURCE FOR GUIDING THE DEV Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic Editorial Reviews .... | |
COMPENDIUM OF THE SOCIAL DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH Peace, Pontifical Council for Justice and Book Description: Only available for sale in the United States. The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, a unique, unprecedented document in the history of the Church, serves as a tool to inspire and guide the faithful, who are faced with moral and pastoral challenges daily. It is divided into five sections .... | |
CREATIVE FIDELITY: WEIGHING AND INTERPRETING DOCUMENTS OF THE MAGISTER Sullivan, Francis A. Book Description: An important part of the theologians' task is to make the church's dogmas meaningful to the faithful of their own time. The attitude with which a theologian should undertake this task of communicating a contemporary understanding of the faith is well described as one of creative fidelity. Two basic so .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Church Documents | |
DIVINE OFFICE 3 (EXPORT) Office, Divine Volume 3. Weeks 6-34. The official prayer of the Roman Catholic Church, taken from the Liturgy of the Hours, incorporating morning prayer, prayer during the day, and evening prayer, for every day of the year : : Editorial Reviews: : Volume 3. Weeks 6-34. The official prayer of the Roman Catholic Church, taken from the .... | |
DOCUMENTS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Chris (Editor) Maunder Book Description: This selection of writings from the most important moments in the history of Christianity has become established as a classic reference work, providing insights into 2000 years of Christian theological and political debate. : : While retaining the original material selected by Henry Bettenson, Chris M .... | |
![]() | ECCLESIAM SUAM - CHURCH IN THE MODERN WORLD VI, Pope Paul Book Description:: Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope Paul VI: The Paths of the Church. .... |
GENERAL DIRECTORY FOR CATECHESIS Clergy, Congregation For The The General Directory for Catechesis provides religious educators, teachers, and catechists with a single point of reference for all aspects of catechetical instruction. : : Editorial Reviews: : From the Back Cover: : Related Titles On Catechesis in Our Time (Catechesi Tradendae) Pope John Paul II s timeless apostolic .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Church Documents | |
GENERAL INSTRUCTION OF THE ROMAN MISSAL (LITURGY DOCUMENTARY SERIES 2) Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic The third edition of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal underscores the nature and importance of the Sacred Liturgy in the life of the Church. : : Editorial Reviews: : The third edition of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal underscores the nature and importance of the Sacred Liturgy in the life of the .... | |
MAKING HOLY THE DAY Miller, Charles Edward Making Holy The Day by Catholic Book Publishing is a wonderful companion to and explanation of the Church's prayer: the Liturgy of the Hours. Written in a direct, simple style, Making Holy The Day provides general reflections on the Liturgy of the Hours as well as a commentary on this form of prayer and how it makes ea .... | |
ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FAITH AND REASON II, Pope John Paul This encyclical letter from John Paul II explains the relationship between faith and reason: Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth--in a word, to know himself--so that, by knowing and loving God, .... | |
PEACE ON EARTH (PACEM IN TERRIS) XXIII, Pope John Book Description: Rediscover Pope John XXIII's extraordinary vision for world peace in this fortieth anniversary edition of his historic encyclical. .... | |
ST. JOSEPH GUIDE TO THE CATECHISM Klopke, John C This abridgement of the Catechism is the ideal companion for those who want to grow in their Catholic faith. It is most appropriate for use by individual inquirers, Catholic or not, who wish to deepen their understanding of Catholic doctrine or practice. it is a perfect group discussion book for RCIA and for those who .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Church Documents | |
THE CHURCH IN AMERICA: ECCLESIA IN AMERICA II, JOHN PAUL Pope John Paul II relates the history of the Synod for America and calls the Church to "preach the Gospel to all creation" (Mk 16:15). A landmark document for our continent! : : Editorial Reviews: : From the Back Cover: : Related Titles Sharing Faith Across the Hemisphere Through the Synod of Bishops for America, Pope .... | |
THE CONSTITUTIONS (VATICAN II IN PLAIN ENGLISH) Huebsch, Bill Book Description: This book presents the complete text and interesting background for all four Vatican II constitutions in sense lines. The specific documents are: The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, The Dogmatic Constitutions on Divine Revelation, The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, and The Pastoral Constitut .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Church Documents | |
THE DECREES AND DECLARATIONS (VATICAN II IN PLAIN ENGLISH) Huebsch, Bill Book Description: As in book two of this series, which presents the four constitutions in plain language and a paraphrased format, book three presents the twelve other documents from Vatican II. .... | |
![]() | THE DIVINE OFFICE: VOLUME 1 Office, The Divine Compilation copyright 1974, by the hierarchies of Australia, England and Wales, Ireland, as are the original English versions of intercessions, concluding prayers, antiphons, short responses, responsories, second readings, and rubrics. : : Editorial Reviews: : Compilation copyright 1974, by the hierarchies of Australia .... |
THE GOSPEL OF LIFE: II, Pope John Paul The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus message. Lovingly received day by the Church, it is to be preached with dauntless fidelity as "good news" to the people of every age and culture. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Church Documents | |
THE GOSPEL OF LIFE: ON THE VALUE AND INVIOLABILITY OF HUMAN LIFE II, Pope John Paul The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus message. Lovingly received day by the Church, it is to be preached with dauntless fidelity as "good news" to the people of every age and culture. .... | |
THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL: EVANGELII GAUDIUM (PUBLICATION / UNITED STATES Francis, Pope The Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium) is the long-awaited teaching of Pope Francis on the proclamation of the Gospel. Pope Francis is calling upon the Church and the world with encouragement to begin a new chapter in evangelization. This dynamic document is written in the plain, everyday language for which the pope .... | |
THE LIGHT OF FAITH (LUMEN FIDEI) United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (Author, Editor, Illustrator) The first encyclical from Pope Francis, a continuation of Pope Benedict XVI's encyclical letters on charity and hope, addresses the gift of faith that God has extended to us and how the light of faith needs to be nurtured and reinforced so that it can guide us on our collective and individual faith journey. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Church Documents | |
THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL: THE FOUR CONSTITUTIONS Authors, Various This collection includes the four constitutions of the Second Vatican Council, the most popular and key documents for understanding the Council itself, its decrees, and its declarations. Few events in the history of the modern Catholic Church have been as far-reaching as the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). And few .... | |
THE SPLENDOR OF TRUTH: ENCYCLICAL LETTER OF JOHN PAUL II II, Pope John Paul The Splendor Of Truth is addressed by the Supreme Pontiff Pope John Paul II to all the Bishops of the Catholic Church. The context contains the fundamental questions of the church's moral teaching. .... | |
VATICAN COUNCIL II, VOL. 2: MORE POST-CONCILIAR DOCUMENTS 1962-1965, Vatican Council Book Description: Vatican Council II, Vol. 2: More Post-Conciliar Documents .... | |
VATICAN COUNCIL II: CONSTITUTIONS, DECREES, DECLARATIONS (VATICAN COUN Austin, Editor) (Author Flannery Book Description: The sixteen basic documents of Vatican Council II are presented here in a new revised translation reflecting inclusive language, edited by Austin Flannery, O.P. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Church Documents | |
VATICAN II IN PLAIN ENGLISH: THE COUNCIL Huebsch, Bill Book Description: Here is an easy-to-read account of the story of Vatican II. The author is a master at writing in sense lines. He uses this style of writing for clarity and precision. The first chapter captures the excitement of Pope John XXIII's announcement of the council as well as the opening days of Vatican II. T .... | |
WHAT HAPPENED AT VATICAN II O'Malley, John W. During four years in session, Vatican Council II held television audiences rapt with its elegant, magnificently choreographed public ceremonies, while its debates generated front-page news on a near-weekly basis. By virtually any assessment, it was the most important religious event of the twentieth century, with reper .... | |
WHAT THE CHURCH TEACHES: A GUIDE FOR THE STUDY OF EVANGELIUM VITAE = T Maestri, William The encyclical covers such vital topics as present day threats to human life and the Christian message concerning life. This useful guide will help make this important encyclical better understood and appreciated. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Church History | |
A CONCISE HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Bokenkotter, Thomas Expanded and updated for the new millennium.: : Covering the life of Christ, the election of Pope Benedict XVI, and everything in between, A Concise History of the Catholic Church has been one of the bestselling religious histories of the past two decades and a mainstay for scholars, students, and others looking for a .... | |
![]() | A NEW TESTAMENT GUIDE TO THE HOLY LAND Kilgallen, John J. Includes indexes. .... |
AFTER NINE HUNDRED YEARS: THE BACKGROUND OF THE SCHISM BETWEEN THE EAS Congar, Yves Book Description: The traditional date of the beginning of the Oriental Schism is 1054. Congar shows that the seeds of this break were sown centuries before when the creation of Byzantium, the Crowning of Charlemagne as Roman Emperor, and emergence of Islam divided East and West politically. .... | |
![]() | BUILDING THE GREAT CATHEDRALS Icher, François Includes bibliographical references (p. 196) and index. .... |
![]() | CATHOLICISM AT THE DAWN OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM Rausch, Thomas P. "A Michael Glazier book." .... |
SJV Parish General Library - Church History | |
![]() | CATHOLICS IN CRISIS? : THE CHURCH CONFRONTS CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES Bausch, William J. Includes bibliographical references (p. 227-229). .... |
![]() | CHURCHES DupreÌ, Judith Includes bibliographical references (p. 158-163) and index. .... |
DAILY LIFE IN THE TIME OF JESUS Daniel-Rops, Henri Book Description: The celebrated French Academician, Henri Daniel-Rops, produces a towering, erudite study of the humble men and women who were Christ's very first followers. Historically rich, it captures everything from the occupations, families, and homes to the flowers and birds native to the land. .... | |
GREEK EAST AND LATIN WEST: THE CHURCH AD 681-1071 Louth, Andrew Book Description: This volume gives an account of the Church in the period from the end of the Sixth Ecumenical Synod in 681 to the Battle of Manzikert in 1071. Although 'Greek East' and 'Latin West' are becoming distinct entities during this expanse of time, the author treats them in parallel, observing the points at .... | |
IN SEARCH OF PAUL: HOW JESUS' APOSTLE OPPOSED ROME'S EMPIRE WITH GOD'S Crossan, John Dominic John Dominic Crossan, the eminent historical Jesus scholar, and Jonathan L. Reed, an expert in biblical archaeology, reveal through archaeology and textual scholarship that Paul, like Jesus, focused on championing the Kingdom of God--a realm of justice and equality--against the dominant, worldly powers of the Roman emp .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Church History | |
INSIDE THE VATICAN: THE POLITICS AND ORGANIZATION OF THE CATHOLIC CHUR S.J., Thomas Reese There are one billion Catholics in the world today, spread over every continent, speaking almost every conceivable language, and all answering to a single authority. The Vatican is a unique international organization, both in terms of its extraordinary power and influence, and in terms of its endurance. Popes come and .... | |
![]() | PAINTINGS IN THE VATICAN Pietrangeli, Carlo "A Bulfinch Press book." .... |
![]() | PAPAL HISTORY O'Malley, John W. 2,000 Years of Papal History: The History of the Popes, the Papacy, and the Catholic Church .... |
READINGS FROM THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST: PRIMARY SOURCES FOR OLD TESTAMENT E., Bryan (Editor) Beyer Book Description: Essential to a proper understanding of the Old Testament is a knowledge of the political, historical, and theological environment of the ancient Near East. While there is an abundance of material explaining this environment, primary source texts are often unavailable or inaccessible to the beginning O .... | |
ROOTS OF THE REFORMATION Adam, Karl Book Description: Most Christians understand the Reformation from only one perspective. Professor Karl Adam gives a historically sensitive and accurate analysis of the causes of the Reformation that stands as a valid and sometimes unsettling challenge to the presuppositions of Protestants and Catholics alike. This valu .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Church History | |
STONE AND DUNG, OIL AND SPIT: JEWISH DAILY LIFE IN THE TIME OF JESUS Magness, Jodi Book Description: In Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit Jodi Magness unearths "footprints" buried in both archaeological and literary evidence to shed new light on Jewish daily life in Palestine from the mid-first century b.c.e. to 70 c.e. - the time and place of Jesus' life and ministry.: : Magness analyzes recent archaeolo .... | |
THE COMMUNITY OF THE BELOVED DISCIPLE Brown, Raymond Edward The life, loves and hates of an individual church in New Testament times. Considers the life and writings of St. John. .... | |
THE EASTERN CHRISTIAN CHURCHES: A BRIEF SURVEY Roberson, Ronald G. Christian Book : : Editorial Reviews: : Christian Book .... | |
THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS: A PLAIN EXPOSITION AND VINDICATION OF THE CH Gibbons, James Book Description: Explains the basic tenets of the Catholic Faith and why we hold them. Delves into the historical background of virtually everything people find hard to understand about our Religion, such as priestly celibacy, sacred images, the Church and the Bible, the primacy of Peter, Communion under one kind, inv .... | |
THE FATHERS OF THE CHURCH: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRST CHRISTIAN TEAC Aquilina, Michael J. Book Description: Book by Aquilina, Michael J., Aquilina, Mike, Congar, Yves .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Church History | |
THE FORMATION OF CHRISTENDOM Herrin, Judith In a lucid history of what used to be termed "the Dark Ages," Judith Herrin outlines the origins of Europe from the end of late antiquity to the coronation of Charlemagne. She shows that the clash between nascent Islam and stubburn Byzantium was the central contest that allowed "Europe" to develop, and she thereby plac .... | |
THE LAND OF THE BIBLE: A HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY, REVISED AND ENLARGED ED Aharoni, Yohanan Book Description: : Since its first publication in this country, Yohanan Aharoni's informative, fact-filled work has been a prime source in its field. Now considerably enlarged, and with both text and maps updated, this classic study offers an even more accurate description of the geography, history, and archeology of .... | |
![]() | THE MAKING OF CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES IN LATE ANTIQUITY AND THE MIDDLE A Book Description: : 'The Making of Christian Communities' sheds light on one of the most crucial periods in the development of the Christian faith. It considers the development and spread of Christianity between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, and includes analysis of the formation and development of Christian comm .... |
THE NEW TESTAMENT WORLD: INSIGHTS FROM CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Malina, Bruce J. "More than any other book, this one introduces students to another time and another place, what Karl Barth long ago called "the strange new world of the Bible".---Dennis C. Dualing, Professor of Religion Canisius College, Buffalo, New York: : Editorial Reviews: : Written for undergraduate students who have little train .... | |
![]() | THE PARISH OF THE NEXT MILLENNIUM Bausch, William J. This book originated at a conference given at the National Federation of Priests' Councils, Nashville, May 1996. .... |
SJV Parish General Library - Church History | |
THE REFORM OF RENEWAL Groeschel, Benedict J. This clear and unequivocal call for personal reform as the basis of authentic renewal in society and in the Church is rooted in several sources. The work of an internationally recognized Biblical scholar (Rudolph Schnackenburg) is woven in with the observations of contemporary social critics as well as behavioral scien .... | |
THE STORY OF CHRISTIANITY, VOL. 1: THE EARLY CHURCH TO THE DAWN OF THE Gonzalez, Justo L. Book Description: : In The Story of Christianity: Volume 1, Justo L. González, author of the highly praised three-volume History of Christian Thought, presents a narrative history of Christianity, from the Early Church to the Dawn of the Protestant Reformation. From Jesus' faithful apostles to the early reformist John .... | |
THE STORY OF CHRISTIANITY, VOL. 2: THE REFORMATION TO THE PRESENT DAY Gonzalez, Justo L. Book Description: : From Justo L. Gonzalez, author of the acclaimed three-volume History of Christian Thought, The Story of Christianity Volume II: The Reformation to the Present Day is the fully revised and updated second volume of The Story of Christianity. Gonzalez's astute scholarship, lucid prose, and impassioned .... | |
WHEN THE CHURCH WAS YOUNG: VOICES OF THE EARLY FATHERS Ph.D., Marcellino D'Ambrosio If the word trinity isn't in Scripture, why is it such an important part of our faith?: And if the Bible can be interpreted in many ways, how do we know what to make: of it? And who decided what should be in the Bible anyway?: : The Church Fathers provide the answers. These brilliant, embattled, and: sometimes eccentri .... | |
WHERE GOD WAS BORN: A JOURNEY BY LAND TO THE ROOTS OF RELIGION Feiler, Bruce At a time when America debates its values and the world braces for religious war, Bruce Feiler, author of the New York Times bestsellers Walking the Bible and Abraham, travels ten thousand miles through the heart of the Middle East-Israel, Iraq, and Iran-and examines the question: Is religion tearing us apart ... or ca .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Death/Grieving | |
AS SOMEONE DIES: A HANDBOOK FOR THE LIVING/105 Johnson, Elizabeth Book Description: Ms. Johnson shows you how you can release guilt and emotional trauma during the natural, yet distressing experience of a loved one's death. This moving and eloquent handbook will help you to see death as a glorious transition. .... | |
FACING DEATH AND THE LIFE AFTER Graham, Billy Book Description: Facing Death and the Life After .... | |
GRIEF RECOVERY Yeagley, Larry Book Description: An excellent Christian based work on Grief........... .... | |
![]() | IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH? Scott, David H. .... |
SJV Parish General Library - Death/Grieving | |
PRAYING OUR GOODBYES Rupp, Joyce Book Description: With the touch of a poet, Joyce Rupp as written a book about these experiences of leaving and moving, stories of union and separation that are written in all our hearts. Ir's a book about the spiriituality of change. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Eucharist/Mass | |
![]() | BEHOLD THE MYSTERY : A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF THE CATHOLIC MASS Hart, Mark Includes bibliographical references. .... |
EUCHARIST: TOWARD THE THIRD MILLENNIUM Collins, Mary Papers presented at a symposium held to celebrate the 25th anniversary liturgy program at Catholic University. .... | |
GOD IS NEAR US: THE EUCHARIST, THE HEART OF LIFE Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal The Second Vatican Council says, "We ought to try to discover a new reverence for the Eucharistic mystery. Something is happening that is greater than anything we can do. The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; it is the font from which all her power flows.": : This profound state .... | |
HOW-TO BOOK OF THE MASS: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW BUT NO ONE EVER T Dubruiel, Michael Maybe you are a recent convert, or perhaps you've attended Mass your whole life, but there are still things that puzzle you, like: when you should genuflect and when you should bow; what the different books used at Mass are and what they contain; the meaning of words like "Amen," "Alleluia," or "Hosanna"; what to do du .... | |
IN THE PRESENCE OF OUR LORD: THE HISTORY, THEOLOGY, AND PSYCHOLOGY OF Groeschel, Benedict J. Unlike books that merely present the technical aspects of setting up Eucharistic devotion in a chapel or parish, "In the Presence of Our Lord: The History, Theology, and Psychology of Eucharistic Devotion" focuses on how the Blessed Sacrament has been a source of comfort and faith for countless Christians. A book that .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Eucharist/Mass | |
MASS 101: LITURGY AND LIFE Strand, Emily Do you wonder why incense is used at Mass, the Alleluia disappears during certain seasons, or how the construct for the Liturgy of the Word was developed? Why do Catholics sing in Latin from time to time? What is intended in the words "the body of Christ" during the Liturgy of the Eucharist? Why all this ritual? : : In .... | |
MEDICINE OF IMMORTALITY: PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS FOR MASS AND EUCHARIS Pasquini, John J. Book Description: Imprimatur - Here are some quotes for Fr. John J.Pasquini's book Medicine of Immortality. This book can be ordered from Shepherds of Christ Ministries. "Fr. John Pasquini's Medicine of Immortality is a wonderful source of inspiration for priests, and all who read it, to gain a deeper appreciation of t .... | |
MEDITATIONS BEFORE MASS Guardini, Romano Book by Guardini, Romano : : Editorial Reviews: : Language Notes: : Text: English (translation): Original Language: German .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Eucharist/Mass | |
SAY BUT THE WORD Dobson, Theodore E. .... | |
THE BIBLICAL BASIS FOR THE EUCHARIST Salza, John For over 2,000 years, the Catholic Church has been celebrating the Eucharist as the source and summit of the Christian Faith - yet it is still one of the most divisive doctrines separating Catholics and Protestants. An author, lawyer, and leading defender of the Faith, John Salza unpacks this pillar of the Catholic Fai .... | |
THE EUCHARIST: WINE OF FAITH, BREAD OF LIFE Pennington, M. Basil In the Eucharist we remember and celebrate the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ. The paschal feast is our greatest opportunity to approach God, and to forge the bonds of community within the Church, but too often we slip into a routine practice of the Mass. Fr. Basil Pennington seeks to reawaken the love, joy, and mys .... | |
![]() | THE HOW-TO BOOK OF THE MASS : EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW BUT NO ONE E Dubruiel, Michael Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-222). .... |
UNDERSTANDING THE MYSTERY OF THE MASS - REFLECTIONS ON THE MASS Buettner, Father Matthew Book Description: "Don't pray at Holy Mass, but pray the Holy Mass" In our last edition, which was published in 2005, footnote #31 on page 17 stated that “Many of the texts of the official Latin edition, the Editio Typica, are given to show the official Latin form if the Mass texts, as well as the current approved En .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Eucharist/Mass | |
![]() | WE WORSHIP : A GUIDE TO THE CATHOLIC MASS Lukefahr, Oscar Includes bibliographical references (p. 149). .... |
WHY GO TO CHURCH?: THE DRAMA OF THE EUCHARIST Radcliffe, Timothy The Eucharist, writes Timothy Radcliffe, is a three part drama, forming us in faith, hope and love. In this book he examines what it means to celebrate the Eucharist. Other people experience it as boring and pointless. Listening to the readings, the homily and the creed all take us through the crises and challenges of .... | |
![]() | WHY THE EUCHARIST MATTERS FOR YOUR LIFE : THE PRACTICAL REALITY OF CHR Padgett, Chris "In down-to-earth and often humorous ways, Padgett helps us find an immediate connection between receiving Jesus in the Eucharist and living a holy life in difficult times. The forty reflections in this book will encourage you and enlarge your vision of the power of Christ through the Eucharist to change your life and .... |
SJV Parish General Library - Healing | |
A CATHOLIC COMPENDIUM OF INNER HEALING McCarthy, MSA Father Bill Book Description: The greatest of the Commandments is to love God and to love our neighbor. What better way than to give our time to pray with our broken fellow Christians? Here at last is a reliable instruction manual on the proper approach to Inner Healing. Fr. McCarthy is clearly presenting the fruits of years of ac .... | |
HEALING WOUNDED EMOTIONS: OVERCOMING LIFE'S HURTS (INSPIRATIONAL READI Padovani, Martin H Book Description: A bestseller for over a decade, this book explains how our emotional spiritual lives interact. Challenges readers to live fuller, more satisfying lives. .... | |
![]() | PRAYERS FOR HELP AND HEALING Barclay, William Book Description: Features simple, practical, and comforting prayers for people in crisis and for their caregivers. --This text refers to the Digital edition. .... |
RECOVERY: A GUIDE FOR ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS Gravitz, Herbert L. Book Description: Rich with insight and awareness, Recovery explores the secrets, fears, hopes and issues that confront adult children of alcoholics. Authors and widely respected therapists and ACOA workshop leaders Herbert Gravitz and Julie Bowden detail in a clear question-and-answer format the challenges of control .... | |
YOU CAN HELP WITH YOUR HEALING: A GUIDE FOR RECOVERING WHOLENESS IN BO Bittner, Vernon J. Book Description: Invites us to discover how to live with wholeness of body, mind, and spirit. Includes a study guide. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Jesus | |
A GUIDE TO THE PASSION: 100 QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST Allen, Tom Book Description: The Passion of the Christ has touched millions of hearts since its release in 2004. It has been called "the most powerful film ever produced" about the life and death of Jesus. Yet, despite its visual and emotional impact, the dramatic events portrayed do not explain themselves; they often give rise t .... | |
IN THE EYE OF THE STORM Lucado, Max Book Description: : One day in the life of Christ. : : Call it a tapestry of turmoil: A noisy pictorial in which the golden threads of triumph knot against the black, frazzled strings of tragedy. : : Call it a symphony of emotions: A sunrise-to-sunset orchestration of extremes. One score is brassy with exuberance -- th .... | |
JESUS: AN HISTORICAL APPROXIMATION (KYRIOS) Pagola, Jose Antonio In this Spanish best-seller, now available in English for the first time, the Biblical scholar Jose Antonio Pagola reconstructs the historical Jesus with a scholarly exegetical and theological approach. He addresses basic questions about who Jesus was; how he understood his life; what was the originality of his message .... | |
JESUS: AN INTIMATE PORTRAIT OF THE MAN, HIS LAND, AND HIS PEOPLE Anderson, Leith An expanded retelling of the life of Jesus, includes all the details from the Gospels in chronological order, the geopolitical scene, the historical and cultural setting, and the likely emotions and motives of those who interacted with him. : : Editorial Reviews: : Review: : "A gift of creative insight into the life of .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Jesus | |
SEVEN LAST WORDS Radcliffe, Timothy The Seven Words from the Cross are the focus of Christian meditation through the ages. Set to music by Haydn, they epitomise the depth of Jesus's human expereience and thus speak most profoundly to the human condition.: : Each meditation is illustrated with a picture of Christ on the Cross. Many are old masters;some mo .... | |
THE REAL JESUS: THE MISGUIDED QUEST FOR THE HISTORICAL JESUS AND THE T Johnson, Luke Timothy Refuting the idea that history determines faith, a theologian and scholar argues that the quest for the historical Jesus is a misguided effort and that the "real" Jesus can be found in the pages of the New Testament. $20,000 ad/promo. : : Editorial Reviews: : From Library Journal: : Finally, a passionately argued but f .... | |
THE SHROUD OF TURIN: THE BURIAL CLOTH OF JESUS CHRIST? Wilson, Ian Book Description: One of the most baffling questions concerning the Shroud's authenticity is how - and where - it was preserved through the centuries. Ian Wilson traces the history of the cloth from its creation almost two thousand years ago. He propsess ingeniuos solutions to the gaps in its history - explanations tha .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Marian Apparitions | |
AN APPEAL FROM MARY IN ARGENTINA: THE APPARITIONS OF SAN NICOLAS Laurentin, Rene Book Description: Message from Mary from apparitions of San Nicolas .... | |
APPARITIONS IN BETANIA, VENEZUELA Catherine, Sister Margaret (Csj) Sims Book Description: irst book in English on this Church-approved apparition of Our Lady, Reconciler of All Peoples and All Nations to Maria Esperanza, a mother and mystic. Book by Sister Margaret Catherine (Csj) Sims .... | |
HEART OF THE MESSAGE OF MEDJUGORJE Miravalle, Mark Book Description: This book recounts the message of Medjugorje in light of Scripture and the messages of Fatima and Lourdes. All Thursday messages as well as the monthly messages are included until the date of printing. .... | |
MEDJUGORJE AND THE CHURCH Nolan, Denis Book Description: Medjugorge is unique in the history of apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in many respects. For instance, no apparition has attracted as many pilgrims - over 40 million - in so short a period of time. No apparition other than Guadalupe has caused conversions on such a scale within so compressed a .... | |
MEDJUGORJE THE MISSION Weible, Wayne Book Description: Travel with Wayne Weible as he witnesses miracles of healing and reconciliation worldwide and in his own family. Be challenged to find your own heart's mission. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Marian Apparitions | |
MESSAGES OF OUR LADY AT SAN NICOLAS Nicol, Movimiento Mariano De San Book Description: Messages of Our Lady at San Nicolas, Argentina .... | |
OUR LADY COMES TO GARABANDAL: INCLUDING CONCHITA'S DIARY Pelletier, Joseph Albert Book Description: Apparition at Garbandal: Every person gets something unique from reading this book. If you are considering it, you probably should read it since someone probably referred you to it. .... | |
REDISCOVERING FATIMA Fox, Rev. Robert J. Book Description: The next best thing to an actual pilgrimage! In 1917, two small children in a remote village in Portugal had a series of visions of the Blessed Virgin. Our Lady told them how sin was responsible for all the world's troubles and explained how devotion to her Immaculate Heart would restore union with Go .... | |
THE APPARITIONS OF GARABANDAL Pascual, Francisco Sanchez-Ventura y Book Description: The name Garabandal, the village of the Apparitions is becoming well known throughout the world. San Sebastian de Garabandal, to give it its full name, is a small village lost in the Northeastern mountains of Spain, where seventy families lead a hardy existence, some 90 kilometers (55 miles) from Sant .... | |
THE SUN DANCED AT FATIMA Pelletier, Joseph A. Book Description: This concerns the Glorious Apparition of Our Lady that appeared in Fatima,Portugal in 1917. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Marian Apparitions | |
THE THUNDER OF JUSTICE Flynn, Ted and Maureen Book Description: The Thunder of Justice provides messages from the major apparition sites in the world from the Blessed Mother. Messages include Church approved Guadalupe Mexico, Rue Du Bac France, LaSalette France, Lourdes France, Pontmain France, Fatima Portugal, Divine Mercy Sister Faustina, Beauraing Belgium, Our .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Mary, Mother of God | |
A WOMAN FOR ALL SEASONS: REFLECTIONS ON MARY Moran, Sally Book by Moran, Sally : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Moran, Sally .... | |
HOW TO PRAY LIKE MARY Corbitt, Sonja In a prayer method springing from the Annunciation, Sonja will show how the Blessed Mother is the ultimate guide in a powerful prayer practice: L - listen, O - observe, V - verbalize, E - entrust. Sonja draws from vivid biblical texts to reveal how to surrender to the Spirit and pray the Scriptures as Mary did. .... | |
MARY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT Brown, Raymond Edward Collaborative statement by Protestant, Anglican and Roman Catholic scholars on how Mary was pictured by Christians of the first two centuries. .... | |
MARY'S WAY: THE POWER OF ENTRUSTING YOUR CHILD TO GOD Klein, Judy Landrieu How do you walk with your children during times of struggle and crisis? Do you feel as if nothing you do will be enough? : : In Mary's Way, a heartfelt book for moms who struggle to guide children through the various stages of their lives, Catholic speaker and teacher Judy Landrieu Klein shows how her own crisis of fai .... | |
MARY: GLIMPSES OF THE MOTHER OF JESUS Gaventa, Beverly R. In this lucid account of Jesus' mother, Gaventa emphasizes literary analysis, addressing in turn: Matthew, Luke-Acts, John, and the second-century work Protoevangelium of James. Gaventa provides the scholar with much to ponder, but in a style accessible to students and the general reader.: : Editorial Reviews: : Gavent .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Mary, Mother of God | |
MIRYAM OF NAZARETH: WOMAN OF STRENGTH AND WISDOM Johnson, Ann Book Description: Woman of Strength and Wisdom Woman of prayer, woman of faith, woman of confidence, this is the Mary of Nazareth we meet in this vivid, contemporary portrait of the mother of Jesus. We are shown that these strengths were a part of her long before the angel asked her cooperation in God's plan of salvati .... | |
OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE: MOTHER OF THE CIVILIZATION OF LOVE Anderson, Carl Nearly a decade after Spain's conquest of Mexico, the future of Christianity on the American continent was very much in doubt. Confronted with a hostile colonial government and Native Americans wary of conversion, the newly-appointed bishop-elect of Mexico wrote to tell the King of Spain that, unless there was a miracl .... | |
ROSARY MEDITATIONS FROM MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA: LOVING JESUS WITH T Lucia, V. Book Description: Eucharistic Meditations on the Fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary by Fr. Martin Lucia, SS.CC. .... | |
ST. LOUIS DE MONTFORT TRUE DEVOTION TO MARY Walsh, Rev. Msgr. Vincent M. Considered by many to be the greatest single book of Marian spirituality ever written, True Devotion to Mary is St Louis de Montfort's classic statement on the spiritual way to Jesus Christ though the Blessed Virgin Mary. Beloved by countless souls, this book sums up the entire Christian life, showing a way of hol .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Mary, Mother of God | |
THE GLORIES OF MARY Liguori, Saint Alphonsus De .... | |
THE LADY OF ALL NATIONS WHO ONCE WAS MARY Klos, Peter Josef Book Description: The many apparitions of Mary during the last 150 years tell us we are at the pinnacle of the Era of Mary. In Fatima, Mary predicted the final victory of Her Immaculate Heart. The full truth of Mary's role in God's plan for Salvation will be defined in the last Marian Dogma, in which Mary will be procl .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Mercy/Forgiveness | |
A PILGRIMAGE TO THE HEART OF MAN THROUGH MY MERCY Maria, Josefina - Book Description: Brother Andrew states: "When I take up Josefina-Maria's book I can feel the touch of God and my mind and heart are raised...there is a gentleness which is in keeping with what one would expect from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary." .... | |
BEAUTIFUL MERCY Francis, Pope Editorial Reviews: : From the Inside Flap: : Giving and receiving mercy is central to living a life of passion and purpose. Yet, for some reason, most people believe they are either too young or too old, not religious enough, or simply don't have enough time to live a life uncommon. The perfect companion for .... | |
BEAUTIFUL MERCY: EXPERIENCING GOD'S UNCONDITIONAL LOVE SO WE CAN SHARE Kelly, Matthew Book Description: Giving and receiving mercy is central to living a life of passion and purpose. Yet, for some reason, most people believe they are either too young or too old, not religious enough, or simply don't have enough time to live a life uncommon. The perfect companion for the Year of Mercy called for by Pope .... | |
CELEBRATING MERCY: PASTORAL RESOURCES FOR LIVING THE JUBILEE (JUBILEE Evangelization, Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Editorial Reviews: : From the Inside Flap: : ""Thus the Jubilee will be celebrated both in Rome and in the Particular Churches as a visible sign of the Church's universal communion." Pope Francis": : The ritual opening of the Holy Door of Mercy in the Basilica of St. Peter, December 8, 2015, marks the official st .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Mercy/Forgiveness | |
CONFESSION: THE SACRAMENT OF MERCY PASTORAL RESOURCES FOR LIVING THE J Evangelization, Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Editorial Reviews: : From the Inside Flap: : This book is one in a series of eight, promulgated by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, which are the official catechetical resources for the Jubilee Year of Mercy (December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016). Pope Francis will be speaking on thes .... | |
EVERYBODY NEEDS TO FORGIVE SOMEBODY Hunt, Allen Editorial Reviews: : About the Author: : Dr. Allen Hunt is a nationally known speaker and best-selling author. His books include: Confessions of a Mega-Church Pastor: How I Discovered the Hidden Treasures of the Catholic Church; Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody; and Nine Words: A Bible Study to Help You Become the B .... | |
MERCY IN THE FATHERS OF THE CHURCH: PASTORAL RESOURCES FOR LIVING THE Evangelization, Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Editorial Reviews: : From the Inside Flap: : This book is one in a series of eight, promulgated by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, which are the official catechetical resources for the Jubilee Year of Mercy (December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016). Pope Francis will be speaking on thes .... | |
MERCY IN THE TEACHINGS OF THE POPES: PASTORAL RESOURCES FOR LIVING THE Evangelization, Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Editorial Reviews: : From the Inside Flap: : This book is one in a series of eight, promulgated by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, which are the official catechetical resources for the Jubilee Year of Mercy (December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016). Pope Francis will be speaking on thes .... | |
THE CORPORAL AND SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY: PASTORAL RESOURCES FOR LIVI Evangelization, Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Editorial Reviews: : From the Inside Flap: : This book is one in a series of eight, promulgated by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, which are the official catechetical resources for the Jubilee Year of Mercy (December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016). Pope Francis will be speaking on thes .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Mercy/Forgiveness | |
THE NAME OF GOD IS MERCY Francis, Pope NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In his first book published as Pope, and in conjunction with the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Francis here invites all humanity to an intimate and personal dialogue on the subject closest to his heart--mercy--which has long been the cornerstone of his faith and is now the central t .... | |
THE PARABLES OF MERCY: PASTORAL RESOURCES FOR LIVING THE JUBILEE (JUBI Evangelization, Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Editorial Reviews: : From the Inside Flap: : This book is one in a series of eight, promulgated by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, which are the official catechetical resources for the Jubilee Year of Mercy (December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016). Pope Francis will be speaking on thes .... | |
THE PSALMS OF MERCY: PASTORAL RESOURCES FOR LIVING THE JUBILEE (JUBILE Evangelization, Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Editorial Reviews: : From the Inside Flap: : This book is one in a series of eight, promulgated by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, which are the official catechetical resources for the Jubilee Year of Mercy (December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016). Pope Francis will be speaking on thes .... | |
THE SAINTS IN MERCY: PASTORAL RESOURCES FOR LIVING THE JUBILEE (JUBILE Evangelization, Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Editorial Reviews: : From the Inside Flap: : This book is one in a series of eight, promulgated by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, which are the official catechetical resources for the Jubilee Year of Mercy (December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016). Pope Francis will be speaking on thes .... | |
THE SEVEN CAPITAL SINS: PRIDE, COVETOUSNESS, LUST, ANGER, GLUTTONY, EN Adoration Book Description: Everyone, unfortunately, will see his or herself described in the pages of this booklet. As all our sins are traceable to these seven roots: Pride, Covetousness (Avarice), Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Envy and Sloth. The Seven Capital Sins explains the true nature, degrees, acts and family relationships bet .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Ministry | |
CREATIVE CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP: SKILLS FOR MORE EFFECTIVE MINISTRY Treston, Kevin Includes bibliographical references (p. 95-97). .... | |
CREATIVE MINISTRY Nouwen, Henri Book Description: According to Henri Nouwen, the bestselling spiritual writer, every Christian is a minister-trying to live his life in the light of the Gospel. Creative Ministry is a thoughtful examination of the various complex tasks that are part of that way of life.Separate chapters treat each of the five areas tha .... | |
LAY PARISH MINISTERS A STUDY OF EMERGING LEADERSHIP david-delambo Hard to find : : Editorial Reviews: : Hard to find .... | |
PARISH MINISTRY FOR RETURNING CATHOLICS Barbernitz, Patricia Includes bibliographical references (95-97). .... | |
SEASONS OF STRENGTH: NEW VISIONS OF ADULT CHRISTIAN MATURING Whitehead, Evelyn Eaton Originally published: Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1984. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Ministry | |
THE CHURCH WITH A HUMAN FACE: A NEW AND EXPANDED THEOLOGY OF MINISTRY Schillebeeckx, Edward Book by Schillebeeckx, Edward : : Editorial Reviews: : Language Notes: : Text: English, Dutch (translation) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. .... | |
THE MINISTRY OF USHERS Smith, Gregory F. One of the earliest offices in the Church is looked at in the light of today's needs.: : Editorial Reviews: : From the Inside Flap: : One of the earliest offices in the Church is looked at in the light of today's needs. .... | |
TOGETHER IN GOD'S SERVICE: TOWARD A THEOLOGY OF ECCLESIAL LAY MINISTRY Bishops, National Conference of Catholic (Creator) "Publication no. 5-285, United States Catholic Conference, Washington, D.C."--P. 4 of cover. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Miscellaneous | |
CATHOLIC BOOK OF PRAYERS: POPULAR CATHOLIC PRAYERS ARRANGED FOR EVERYD Book Description: Today's most popular general prayerbook, The Catholic Book of Prayers contains many favorite prayers for everyday, to the Blessed Trinity, to Mary and the Saints, and a summary of our Faith. Written in Giant Type. Flexible binding. .... | |
DAY BY DAY WITH THE CATECHISM: MINUTE MEDITATIONS FOR EVERY DAY CONTAI Giersch, Peter A Book Description: A perfect book to help make the CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH more easily understandable and applicable to everyday experience, these minute meditations for every day of the year feature a text from the CATECHISM, a reflection upon some aspect of the text, and a prayer to act upon it. Illustrated a .... | |
ROME Travel, DK Newly revised, updated, and redesigned for 2014. : : Experience the best of Rome with DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Rome. This newly updated travel guide for Rome will lead you straight to the best attractions this city has to offer, whether visiting the Vatican, touching the stones of the Colosseum, or enjoying gelato i .... | |
THE BOOK OF CATHOLIC JOKES Sheridan, Tom Book Description: Yes, this book contains priest jokes and sister jokes and deacon jokes and bishop jokes and even one or two jokes that feature the Pope. But mostly these are jokes about lay people and the foibles of daily life from a Catholic : (that is, Roman Catholic tradition) and a catholic (that is, universal an .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Miscellaneous | |
THE GUARDIAN ANGELS: OUR HEAVENLY COMPANIONS Anonymous Book Description: This little book reveals one of God's greatest "secrets"--how He governs the world by assigning an Angel to watch over each person, diocese, town, parish, etc. It explains how these blessed spirits protect souls and bodies in ways both miraculous and ordinary. Impr. 64 pgs, PB .... | |
THE PIETA PRAYER BOOK Book Description: This is the classic book known as the Little Blue Prayer Book which presents the beautiful truths and devotions of our Roman Catholic Faith. Those who use these prayers devoutly may obtain greater grace to better serve God. The book draws particularly on the source of God's goodness and mercy - a .... | |
![]() | THE SECOND BOOK OF CATHOLIC JOKES Sheridan, Tom Book Description: : In this follow up to the bestselling Book of Catholic Jokes, Tom Sheridan again offers a hilarious collection of clean and well-intentioned jokes designed to spark smiles, laughter, and maybe even a little introspection on the human condition. With a foreword by Father Paul Boudreau, The Second of B .... |
THE THIRD BOOK OF CATHOLIC JOKES: GENTLE HUMOR ABOUT AGING AND RELATIO Sheridan, Tom Book Description: The third volume in the runaway bestselling series of Catholic jokes focuses on the universal and often hilarious human experience of relating to one another and growing old together. These stories, jokes, lists and one-liners are mostly about lay people and are told from a Catholic; (that is, Roman C .... | |
VENICE AND THE VENETO Catling, Christopher Areas covered include: San Marco, San Polo, Santa Croce, Castello, Dorsosuro, Cannaregio, the Lagoon Islands, the Veneto Plain, Verona, Lake Garda, and the Dolomites. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - New Testament | |
AN INTRODUCTION TO NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTOLOGY Brown, Raymond Edward The leading U.S. Catholic scholar on the Bible explores the identity of Jesus in the New Testament. .... | |
HEARING THE PARABLES OF JESUS Perkins, Pheme Book Description: Hearing the Parables of Jesus Paperback - May, 1981 Hearing the Parables of Jesus Paperback - May, 1981 .... | |
HOW TO READ THE NEW TESTAMENT Charpentier, Etienne Book Description: Specifically geared to the adult learner, this guide to reading the New Testament captures the richness of Christian tradition and relates learning to everyday living. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - New Testament | |
![]() | JESUS: A GOSPEL PORTRAIT Senior, Donald Book Description: This book leads the reader to the mystery, power, and amazing freshness of the biblical Jesus. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition. .... |
MEET THE BIBLE: THE NEW TESTAMENT Castelot, John Joseph Book Description: In Two Volumes. Volume 1, Part 1, An Introduction To The Bible, Part 2, How The Bible Came To Be; Volume 2, The Old Testament. .... | |
![]() | THE APOSTLES : THE ORIGINS OF THE CHURCH AND THEIR CO-WORKERS XVI, Pope Benedict Includes bibliographical references. .... |
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JESUS: A NEW TRANSLATION AND GUIDE TO HIS ESSE Mitchell, Stephen Book Description: A dazzling presentation of the life and teachings of Jesus by the eminent scholar and translator Stephen Mitchell. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - New Testament | |
THE GOSPEL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: MEDITATION AND COMMENTARY ON THE ACTS O Praem., Rev. Fr. Alfred McBride O. Book Description: Written by St. Luke, Acts of the Apostles is often referred to as the Gospel of the Holy Spirit. In our new title, The Gospel of the Holy Spirit: Meditations and Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, Fr. Alfred McBride guides the reader through this great book of the New Testament, verse by verse, i .... | |
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT Shinn, Roger L. Book Description: A Study Book .... | |
THE TWELVE: THE LIVES OF THE APOSTLES AFTER CALVARY Ruffin, Bernard C. What did the twelve apostles do after Calvary? Where did they go? C. Bernard Ruffin has woven Scripture, tradition, and historical documents to re-create and outline the lives of each of Christ's closest followers. .... | |
TREASURES UNCOVERED: THE PARABLES OF JESUS (WORD AMONG US KEYS TO THE Kun, Jeanne Book Description: This six-session Scripture guide will help reader's explore the surprising--and often challenging--dimensions of six of Jesus' parables. Each Chapter includes the full Scripture text of the parable, a short commentary, and questions that will help readers to deepen their understanding of the story and .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Old Testament | |
HISTORY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Heinisch, Paul .... | |
HOW TO READ THE OLD TESTAMENT (THE CROSSROAD ADULT CHRISTIAN FORMATION Charpentier, Etienne Book Description: This book is for those who want to read the Bible but don't know how to go about it. It is a modest, yet ambitous guide to the Old Testament geared toward the adult learner. .... | |
INTRODUCTION TO THE OLD TESTAMENT Pfeiffer, Robert Book Description: A single volume expository of the Old testament by Robert H. Pfeiffer a well known and respected Bible Scholar. Covers the entire Old Testament in a single volume. .... | |
SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES Dougherty, John J. Book Description: Format Paperback Subject Literary Collections .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Old Testament | |
THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM: READING GENESIS Kass, Leon R. Book Description: As ardent debates over creationism fill the front pages of newspapers, Genesis has never been more timely. And as Leon R. Kass shows in The Beginning of Wisdom, it's also timeless.: : Examining Genesis in a philosophical light, Kass presents it not as a story of what happened long ago, but as the endu .... | |
THE BIBLE WITH SOURCES REVEALED Friedman, Richard Elliott Book Description: : One of the World's Foremost Bible Experts Offers a Groundbreaking Presentation of the Five Books of Moses: : In The Bible with Sources Revealed, Richard Elliott Friedman offers a new, visual presentation of the Five Books of Moses -- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy -- unlocking .... | |
THE MEN AND THE MESSAGE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Ellis, Peter F. The Men and the Message of the Old Testament, as initially conceived, was for beginners only - students on college level studying the Bible for the first time. Hence our first approach: the introduction to and familiarity with each of the sacred books. But while preparing the text for tyros, a wider audience came into .... | |
WALKING THE BIBLE: A JOURNEY BY LAND THROUGH THE FIVE BOOKS OF MOSES Feiler, Bruce One part adventure story, one part archaeological detective work, one part spiritual exploration, Walking the Bible vividly recounts an inspiring personal odyssey -- by foot, jeep, rowboat, and camel -- through the greatest stories ever told.: : Feeling a desire to reconnect to the Bible, award-winning author Bruce Fei .... | |
![]() | WHO WROTE THE BIBLE? Friedman, Richard Elliott Book Description: : The contemporary classic the New York Times Book Review called "a thought-provoking [and] perceptive guide," Who Wrote the Bible? by Richard E. Friedman is a fascinating, intellectual .... |
SJV Parish General Library - Other Biography | |
THE LONG LONELINESS: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE LEGENDARY CATHOLIC SOCIA Day, Dorothy Book Description: : This inspiring and fascinating memoir, subtitled, "The Autobiography of the Legendary Catholic Social Activist," The Long Loneliness is the late Dorothy Day's compelling autobiographical testament to her life of social activism and her spiritual pilgrimage. A founder of the Catholic Worker Movement .... | |
THE SEVEN STOREY MOUNTAIN (HARVEST/HBJ BOOK) Merton, Thomas Book Description: The fervor of his progress to the Trappist monastery at Gethsemani is deeply moving. It is a difficult matter to write about, but I think there will be many who, however alien the experience may remain to them personally, will put the narrative down with wonder and respect. --New York Herald Tribune B .... | |
THE WAY: THE ESSENTIAL CLASSIC OF OPUS DEI'S FOUNDER Escrivà , JosemarÃa Book Description: Reflecting JosemarÃa Escrivá's belief that God can be found in professional and everyday settings, The Way blends passages from sacred Scripture with anecdotes drawn from Escrivá's life and work, snatches of conversation, and selections from his personal letters. The direct, conversational writing .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Other Biography | |
SJV Parish General Library - Prayer | |
![]() | A BREAD THAT IS BROKEN Breemen, Peter G. Van No person, book or other source has ever been able to explain the nature of God's love to me before I read this wonderful spiritual masterpiece. The main topic of the book is prayer, and it does teach new ways of praying. More importantly, I think, is the way it drives home God's total acceptance of each of us, and the .... |
A CONTEMPORARY CELTIC PRAYER BOOK Fitzgerald, William John unique and beautiful hardcover prayer book that captures the flavor and sensibility of traditional Celtic spirituality for today�s Christians. The first part of the book contains a simplified Liturgy of the Hours for a seven-day period. The second part of the book is a treasury of Celtic prayers, blessings and rit .... | |
A CRY FOR MERCY: PRAYERS FROM THE GENESEE Nouwen, Henri J. M. A reissue of one of Henri Nouwen's most powerful and most personal books: prayers that "reveal a fearful heart, a cry for mercy, rays of hope, the power of the Spirit, the needs of the world, and finally gratitude." : : In his continuing search for a deeper understanding of the spiritual life, Henri Nouwen traveled twi .... | |
A PARENT GUIDE TO PRAYER: PRAYERS OF OUR FAITH Campbell, Barbara F. Finding God Grades 1Â-6: It's prayerful. It's personal. It's powerful.: A faith-formation program for children in grades 1-6 and the significant adults in their lives. The program mentors children, parents, and adults in cultivating a special place in their hearts to meet with God. Preview samples online at www.findin .... | |
BIRTH: A GUIDE FOR PRAYER (TAKE AND RECEIVE SERIES) Bergan, Jacqueline Syrup Support and direction for solitary prayer as well as a framework for use in prayer groups or faith-sharing groups. : : Editorial Reviews: : Support and direction for solitary prayer as well as a framework for use in prayer groups or faith-sharing groups. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Prayer | |
BREAKAWAY: TWENTY-EIGHT STEPS TO A MORE REFLECTIVE LIFE Link, Mark Book Description: Discover how Mark Link's journey of 28 steps can lead to a world of enriched spiritual awareness. (From back cover) .... | |
CENTERING PRAYER IN DAILY LIFE AND MINISTRY Keating, Thomas This book, with its ecumenical group of contributors, celebrates Centering Prayer as a common ground for Christian unity. It marks the first time that people other than William Meninger, Basil Pennington, and Thomas Keating (the three Trappist monks who distilled Centering Prayer from the Christian contmeplative herita .... | |
CONVERSING WITH GOD IN SCRIPTURE: A CONTEMPORARY APPROACH TO LECTIO DI Binz, Stephen J. Is it really possible to enter into a genuine conversation with God? Christians throughout the ages have done so using the ancient practice of lectio divina, or spiritual reading. In this practical and inspirational book, Stephen Binz shows how we can read and reflect on Scripture in ways that enable us to hear God spe .... | |
DAILY PRAYERS FOR BUSY PEOPLE O'Malley, William J. .... | |
EVERYTHING BELONGS: THE GIFT OF CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER Rohr, Richard Center and circumference -- Vision of enchantment -- Ego and soul -- Cleansing the lens -- Don't push the river -- Return to the sacred -- Coda and conclusion: A contemplative seeing of the doctrine of the cross -- Guide for reflection. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Prayer | |
FORGIVENESS: A GUIDE FOR PRAYER (TAKE & RECEIVE SERIES) Bergan, Jacqueline Syrup Since its original release in the late 1980s, the Forgiveness book in the Take and Receive prayer-book series has been helping people re-imagine what it means to pray and see with new eyes God's presence and activity in their daily lives. Forgiveness: A Guide for Prayer have now been repackaged and reprinted by Loyola .... | |
FREEDOM: A GUIDE FOR PRAYER (TAKE & RECEIVE SERIES) Bergan, Jacqueline Syrup Book emphasizes the freedom and joy that ought to be ours i the Risen Christ through the Spirit of God. For discussion groups or solitary prayer.- : : Editorial Reviews: : Book emphasizes the freedom and joy that ought to be ours i the Risen Christ through the Spirit of God. For discussion groups or solitary prayer.- .... | |
![]() | IGNATIAN INTRODUCTION TO PRAYER Gallager, Timothy .... |
ILLUMINATA THOUGHTS, PRAYERS, RITES OF PASSAGE Williamson, Marianne Book Description: Marianne Williamson's bestselling A Return to Love ended with a prayer in which she asked God to help us "find our way home, from the pain to peace, from fear to love, from hell to Heaven." Now, in this stunning new collection of thoughts, prayers, and rites of passage, Marianne Williamson returns to .... | |
MAKING THE PSALMS YOUR PRAYER (SBN 829) Rush, Renee Book Description: Book by Rush, Renee .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Prayer | |
PRAY AND NEVER LOSE HEART: THE POWER OF INTERCESSION Shields, Sr. Anne Book Description: You are invited to discover a new love for God, come into a deeper prayer life, and see the results of your prayers. Sister Ann Shields brings her warm speaking style to this book about our joyful obligation to pray for the needs around us. If you tend to .... | |
PRAYER AND TEMPERAMENT: DIFFERENT PRAYER FORMS FOR DIFFERENT PERSONALI Michael, Chester P Book Description: : With Isabel Briggs Myers' publication of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in 1962, followed in 1978 by the David Kiersey and Marilyn Bates book, Please Understand Me, a tremendous new interest in the differences in human personality has taken place. The possiblity of a close connection between person .... | |
PRAYING BY HAND: REDISCOVERING THE ROSARY AS A WAY OF PRAYER Pennington, M. Basil This book explains how the rosary as a meditative technique gradually developed with the Christian community over the course of the centuries. The author relates the rosary to the Scriptures and takes the reader step-by-step through the traditional 15 mysteries and explores alternative formats for individual and group .... | |
QUIET PLACES WITH JESUS: 40 GUIDED IMAGERY MEDITATIONS FOR PERSONAL PR Powers, Isaias Book Description: Each meditation in this guided-imagery primer begins with a Scripture quotation, and then is followed by a reflection, and finally a poetic invitation to prayer. From the author of Letters From an Understanding Friend. .... | |
SHARING PRAYER: SIMPLE FORMATS FOR SMALL GROUPS Taylor Book Description: The question arises in parish groups, working groups, families: How can we pray together? Mary Sue Taylor offers a solution worked out in the Mary and martha House, a refuge for women in Ruskin, Florida. She builds 90 Prayer sessions around a biblical theme, each accompanied by music, silence and spon .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Prayer | |
SPIRITUAL PASSAGES: THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT Groeschel, Benedict J. Examines the psychological aspects of spirituality, explains the three stages of spiritual life, and offers practical advice on expanding and developing one's religious life .... | |
SURRENDER A GUIDE FOR PRAYER (TAKE & RECEIVE SERIES) Schwan, S. Marie Each day's prayer begins with a scriptural passage and includes an insighful commentary and a suggested approach to the day's reflection. .... | |
![]() | THE ART OF PRAYING: THE PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF CHRISTIAN PRAYER Guardini, Romano Here's help for those who find prayer routine and boring. Your problem may not be so much failure of will (you do try to pray well) but lack of knowledge about mature prayer -- and the good news is that it's easily overcome. : : This book contains prayer basics for folks who already pray! It's not that praying is compl .... |
THE FIFTEEN MYSTERIES: IN IMAGE AND WORD Pennington, M. Basil The rosary! It is amazing how powerfully a little chain of beads can enter into our lives. "Prayer is the thing, communion and union with God." .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Prayer | |
![]() | THE GIFT OF PRAYER: A TREASURY OF PERSONAL PRAYER FROM THE WORLD'S SPI Kieling, Jared T. The prayers in this book were selected for their simplicity, beauty and power of expression, and above all for their value as prayers we might actually use--prayers that might reflect and express our hope, our suffering, our joy and our gratitude. .... |
THE LIVELY GARDEN PRAYER BOOK Cleary, William .... | |
THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL SON: A STORY OF HOMECOMING Nouwen, Henri J. M. The bestselling Henri Nouwen title of all time! Over a million copies sold world wide. Essential reading for Christians, Catholics, and all spiritual seekers.: : For all who ask, "Where has my struggle led me?" or for those "on the road" who have had the courage to embark on the journey but seek the illumination, this .... | |
THE SAINTS' GUIDE TO LEARNING TO PRAY (SAINTS' GUIDES) Perrotta, Louise Book Description: The book collects the teaching and stories of the experiences of some of the church's greatest pray-ers on the subject of learning to pray. .... | |
WAY TO INNER PEACE Sheen, Fulton J. These pages, written by "America's Priest", will provide an invaluable guide to all those who are seeking the way to inner peace. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Prayer with Saints | |
A LIFE IN PRAYER: THE PRIVATE PRAYERS OF POPE JOHN PAUL II (V. 5) II, Pope John Paul Book Description: In October 1978, Karol Cardinal Wojtyla, archbishop of Krakow, was elected Pope, taking the name John Paul II in honor of his predecessor, who died after just thirty-three days in office. John Paul II was a surprising choice: Not only was he relatively young, at fifty-eight, but he was also the first .... | |
CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER Merton, Thomas In this classic text, Thomas Merton offers valuable guidance for prayer. He brings together a wealth of meditative and mystical influences-from John of the Cross to Eastern desert monasticism-to create a spiritual path for today. Most important, he shows how the peace contacted through meditation should not be sought i .... | |
PRAYERS AND DEVOTIONS: 365 DAILY MEDITATIONS; FROM JOHN PAUL II Paul, John Book Description: This is a treasury of selected passages from the addresses and writings of Pope John Paul II. This devotional offers the modern reader, engaged with various daily tasks, the opportunity to know and enter into the heart and mind of the leader of the Catholic Church. His concerns, as expressed in these .... | |
PRAYING WITH ELIZABETH SETON (COMPANIONS FOR THE JOURNEY) Alderman, Margaret As the first saint to grow from the soil of the United States, Elizabeth Seton holds a special place in the story of the Catholic Church in America. A wife and widow, mother of five children, founder of a new community of religious women, teacher and administrator, Elizabeth Seton was remarkable by any standard. Most i .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Prayer with Saints | |
REFLECTIONS FROM POPE FRANCIS: AN INVITATION TO JOURNALING, PRAYER, AN Stark, Susan Book Description: A journal-style book containing inspirational messages from Pope Francis-Time magazine's Person of the Year for 2013: : Only a little over a year into his papacy, Pope Francis is being hailed by the news media, Christians, and non-Christians alike as a refreshing figure in the Vatican. His humility, p .... | |
THE GIFT OF PEACE: PERSONAL REFLECTIONS Bernardin, Joseph Cardinal Book Description: "I can say in all sincerity that I am at peace. I consider this as God's special gift to me.": --Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, Archbishop of Chicago, announcing on August 30, 1996, that his cancer had returned after fifteen months of being in remission. The Cardinal died November 14, 1996.: In the final .... | |
THE GOLDEN ARROW: THE REVELATIONS OF SR. MARY OF ST. PETER (1816-1848 Peter, Sr. Mary of St. Book Description: The Life & Revelations of Sr. Mary of St. Peter (1816-1848) on Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus. At Tours, France, she received this devotion from Our Lord 1) to fight Communism, 2) to make reparation, 3) to be an unfailing tool of prayer. Approved worldwide. Impr. 246 pgs, PB .... | |
THE POETRY OF POPE JOHN PAUL II ROMAN TRIPTYCH MEDITATIONS II, Joannes Paulus In this collection, Pope John Paul II contemplates the great questions of our lives-the mystery of creation, the invisibility of beginnings, the end of existence, and eternity that follows. : : Editorial Reviews: : Review: : Great Poetry...Underneath them lies the whole of church teaching and Ctholic dogmatics in their .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Prayer with Saints | |
THE SAINTS' GUIDE TO KNOWING THE REAL JESUS (SAINTS' GUIDES) Mills, David Book Description: Many early Christians, our teachers in the Faith, died as martyrs because they insisted on holding to certain orthodox teachings about who Jesus was. This saints guide assembles practical examples and extensive quotes from the Fathers of the Church to show that our devotional life needs the clarifying .... | |
THE SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF SAINT IGNATIUS: SAINT IGNATIUS' PROFOUND PR Loyola, St. Ignatius of Book Description: : The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, one of the great masterpieces of the Christian canon, today continues to offer some of the most accessible and insightful guidance for going on retreat -- whether as a part of a group or by oneself. Based on the rich fruit of St. Ignatius' own meditations and .... | |
THOUGHTS & SAYINGS OF ST. MARGARET MARY: FOR EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR Sisters, Visitation Book Description: "Our heart is too small to contain two loves; being made only for divine love, it finds no rest in any other.": : Filled with such wisdom, the Thoughts and Sayings of St. Margaret Mary--short quotes extracted from the 3-volume life and Writings of St. Margaret Mary--is a gem that will become one of th .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Religious Orders | |
A WAY OF DESERT SPIRITUALITY: THE PLAN OF LIFE OF THE HERMITS OF BETHL Romano, Eugene L. Book Description: This book will inspire many to a closer walk with the Lord in a spirit of unceasing prayer and love. .... | |
HOW TO BE A MONASTIC AND NOT LEAVE YOUR DAY JOB: AN INVITATION TO OBLA Tvedten, Brother Benet Book Description: Dorothy Day was an oblate while she lived in the heart of New York City. So was the French poet, Paul Claudel. Kathleen Norris is an oblate, and so was Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia, the first woman in Europe to earn a Ph.D. What connects them all? There are at least ten thousand oblates in the Unit .... | |
I WANT TO SEE GOD: A PRACTICAL SYNTHESIS OF CARMELITE SPIRITUALITY Marie-Eugene, P. Book Description: Following the footsteps of the Masters of Carmel, Fr. Marie-Eugene opens up the paths of contemplation and holiness to all, in the midst of ordinary life. This is a classic for all interested in Carmelite spirituality. .... | |
LOYOLA AND THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF THE JESUITS Hughes, Thomas Book Description: In the following work on the Educational System of the Jesuits, I have endeavored to present a critical statement of the principles and method adopted in the Society of Jesus. The effort to explain the sources, process of development, and present influence of the system within and without the Order, h .... | |
RELIGIOUS LIFE IN THE 21ST CENTURY: A CONTEMPORARY JOURNEY INTO CANAAN Harmer, Catherine M. Book Description: The challenge today is to invent a future for religious life in the next century. This task will require rethinking every aspect of religious life, as well as the relationship of the religious life to other callings in the church. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Religious Orders | |
ST. BENEDICT'S TOOLBOX: THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF EVERYDAY BENEDICTINE LIV Tomaine, Jane When St. Benedict formed his first small community of monks at Monte Cassino on the hilltop, Italy--and much of Europe--was ravaged by war. The Roman Empire was breaking apart, and politics, cultural life, and even the Church, were all in disarray. In the midst of these tumultuous times, Benedict offered his followers .... | |
STRANGERS TO THE CITY: REFLECTIONS ON THE BELIEFS AND VALUES OF THE RU Casey, Michael Book Description: Michael Casey, a monk and scholar who has been publishing his wise teachings on the Rule of St. Benedict for decades, turns to the particular Benedictine values that he considers most urgent for Christians to incorporate into their lives today.: : Eloquent and incisive, Casey invites readers to accept .... | |
THE INTENTIONAL LIFE: MAKING OF A SPIRITUAL VOCATION Hume, Cardinal Basil Book Description: As the Abbot at Ampleforth Abbey in England, Cardinal Basil Hume was responsible for helping the monks under his care grow in Christ and live in the world. The Intentional Life: The Making of a Spiritual Vocation is a compilation of talks given by Cardinal Hume to help the monks with a dilemma faced b .... | |
THOMAS MERTON: SPIRITUAL DIRECTION AND MEDITATION OCSO, Thomas Merton Book Description: : Merton, whose own tortuous path to spiritual maturity is well known, here offers the knowledge gained during that experience. He discusses the meaning and purpose of spiritual direction, and how to profit from that direction. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Saints | |
AUGUSTINE: A NEW BIOGRAPHY O'Donnell, James J. Augustine, sinner and saint, the celebrated theologian who served as bishop of ... Hippo from 396 C.E. until his death in ... 430 C.E., is widely regarded as one of the most influential thinkers in the western world. Augustine: A New Biography tells the story of Augustine from the vantage .... | |
BLESSED MARIE OF NEW FRANCE: THE STORY OF THE FIRST MISSIONARY SISTERS Windeatt Book Description: "It's almost upon us!" yelled a frantic voice as the ship neared the iceberg. "God's Will be done," prayed Mother Marie. If God wanted her to drown in the icy Atlantic Ocean before ever reaching Canada, His Holy Will be done. Yet perhaps . . . This book tells what happened next, plus the many other ad .... | |
CITY OF GOD Augustine No book except the Bible itself had a greater influence on the Middle Ages than City of God. Since medieval Europe was the cradle of today's Western civilization, this work by consequence is vital for understanding our world and how it came into being.: Saint Augustine is often regardarded as the most influential Chris .... | |
COMPLETE SPIRITUAL DOCTRINE OF ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX Jamart, Francois Over a century ago, there lived a Carmelite nun, Thérèse of Lisieux. Although she was young and seemed to have no authority, she taught "a Little Way very straight and short" which would lead people to perfection. Others had declared that sanctity was hard to attain, but she said that it was easy. Thérèse maintaine .... | |
DIVINE MERCY IN MY SOUL-DIARY OF SISTER M. FAUSTINA KOWALSKA Kowalska, Saint Maria Faustina Book Description: In the Diary, this woman's childlike trust, simplicity, and intmacy will Jesus will stir your heart and soul. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Saints | |
EDITH STEIN: THE UNTOLD STORY OF THE PHILOSOPHER AND MYSTIC WHO LOST H Herbstrith, Waltraud Book Description: This is the powerful and moving story of the remarkable Jewish woman who converted to Catholicism, gained fame as a great philosopher in Germany, became a Carmelite nun, and was put to death in a Nazi concentration camp. Recently beatified by Pope John Paul II, Edith Stein was a courageous, intelligen .... | |
FRANCES CABRINI Lorit, Sergius C. .... | |
FRANCIS: THE JOURNEY AND THE DREAM Bodo, Murray Book Description: This much-loved modern classic tells the life story of the Little Poor Man of Assisi simply, lyrically, faithfully. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition. .... | |
IN THE LAND I HAVE SHOWN YOU Kun, Jeanne Book Description: The Stories of 16 North American Saints and Christian Heroes .... | |
JOHN PAUL II, WE LOVE YOU Mitchell, Peter Book Description: Including eyewitness account from Rome of John Paul II's death and funeral: : "I have looked for you, you have come to me, and I thank you." -John Paul II, to the young people gathered in St. Peter's Square to pray for him the night before he died: : John Paul II, We Love You! not only tells the stori .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Saints | |
JUDE: A PILGRIMAGE TO THE SAINT OF LAST RESORT Trotta, Liz Book Description: : "Anything but high profile by nature, Jude's persona, his essence, occupies the quiet end of a saintly spectrum that includes Paul, the dynamic and even over bearing preacher; Peter, the swashbuckling sailor who lost his nerve at the crucial moment; and St. Teresa of Avila, the mystical yet outspoke .... | |
LIFE OF ST. COLUMBA (PENGUIN CLASSICS) Iona, Adomnan of Book Description: Although related to one of the ruling families of Ireland, Columba (c 521-97) became a central figure in the 'Age of Saints' by setting out from his native land and founding his famous monastery on the island of Iona.: : It was from here that priests and monks played a key role in converting the Picts .... | |
![]() | LIFE OF THE VENERABLE ELIZABETH CANORI MORA Herbert, Mary Elizabeth Book Description: This Is A New Release Of The Original 1878 Edition. .... |
MILESTONES: MEMOIRS 1927-1977 XVI, Pope Emeritus Benedict Rich in humor and culture, as well as passion and love for the cause of God and of man, Milestones is the early autobiography of Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger. It tells the fascinating and inspiring story of his early family life, the years under Nazi oppression in Germany, and his part in World War II--including .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Saints | |
MY LIFE WITH THE SAINTS / EDITION 1 Martin, James James Martin has led an entirely modern life: from a lukewarm Catholic childhood, to an education at the Wharton School of Business, to the executive fast track at General Electric, to ministry as a Jesuit priest, to a busy media career in Manhattan. But every step of the way, he has been accompanied by some surprising .... | |
PATRICK: THE PILGRIM APOSTLE OF IRELAND Paor, Maire B de ". . . whoever is pleased to look at or receive this writing, which Patrick, a sinner, untaught, to be sure, has composed in Ireland . . . this is my Confession before I die." : : Who was St Patrick? In the modern era his name still carries the aura of legend - yet the truths of his life remain unknown to most readers. .... | |
PAULINE JARICOT: FOUNDRESS OF THE LIVING ROSARY AND THE SOCIETY FOR TH Windeatt Book Description: How tired and pale Pauline looked as the carriage rattled along! Everyone knew she had not long to live. But Pauline was going to ask the young martyr St. Philomena for a cure. At St. Philomena's shrine the townsfolk joined in begging a cure. There was no response, so they demanded a cure! This book t .... | |
RELUCTANT SAINT: THE LIFE OF FRANCIS OF ASSISI Spoto, Donald Acclaimed biographer Donald Spoto strips away the legends from the life of Francis of Assisi to reveal the true story of a man who has too often been obscured by pious iconography. Drawing on unprecedented access to unexplored archives, plus Francis's own letters, Spoto places Francis within the context of the multifac .... | |
SAINT HYACINTH OF POLAND Windeatt Book Description: The story for children 10 and up of St. Hyacinth, the Dominican who planted the Faith in Poland, Lithuania and Russia and worked many miracles. He went to Rome, where he met St. Dominic, and was one of the first to receive at his hands the habit of the newly established Order of Friars Preachers. Afte .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Saints | |
SAINT JOHN BOSCO Beebe, Catherine Illustrated: : A Vision book containing the enthralling story of the great modern apostle of youth, Saint John Bosco, and his best-loved pupil who became a saint, Dominic Savio. Blessed with tremendous natural and supernatural gifts, including a wonderful sense of humor, Saint John Bosco overcame overwhelming obstacles .... | |
SAINT PETER: A BIOGRAPHY Grant, Michael Book Description: Combining recent advances in archaeology and anthropology with extensive knowledge of literature, philosophy, and religion, a classical historian reveals a human dimension to the life of Peter, interpreting him as a historical figure as well as a religious icon. .... | |
![]() | SPIRITUAL ADVICE FROM THE SAINTS : 365 DAYS OF INSPIRATION Includes bibliographical references. .... |
ST ANTHONY OF PADUA: WISDOM FOR TODAY McCloskey, Patrick Book Description: Book by McCloskey, Patrick .... | |
ST. FRANCIS SOLANO: WONDER WORKER OF THE NEW WORLD AND APOSTLE OF ARGE Windeatt Book Description: The captivating story & many adventures of St. Francis Solano for children 10 and up: his converting the slaves on a sinking ship & 9,000 Indians with one sermon, healing the sick, finding a spring in the desert, etc. Impr. 205 pgs 19 Illus, PB .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Saints | |
ST. JOHN MASIAS: MARVELOUS DOMINICAN GATEKEEPER OF LIMA, PERU (SAINTS Windeatt Book Description: A religious brother buffeted by the devil, who prophesied the future, worked miracles, levitated, held the Christ Child, had miraculous travels, was a wonder of charity, and liberated a million souls from Purgatory. Impr. 156 pgs 14 Illus, PB .... | |
STORY OF A SOUL: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF SAINT THERESE OF LISIEUX / EDITI Lisieux, Saint Therese of The Story of a Soul, better known to the English public as The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux, was first published in 1899. Today it ranks amongst the greatest Christian spiritual classics and it has been translated into practically every well-known language. Almost every pope since its publication has propose .... | |
STORY OF A SOUL: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX, THIRD ED Lisieux, Therese de Book Description: Translated from the critical edition by John Clarke, OCD, 3rd ed. (1997). Includes general and biblical index, with 8 pages of photos.: : Two and a half years before her death in 1897 at the age of 24, as Thérèse Martin began writing down her childhood memories at the request of her blood sisters in .... | |
THE CONFESSIONS OF ST. AUGUSTINE: MODERN ENGLISH VERSION Saint, Bishop of Hippo Augustine The Confessions of St. Augustine, a passionate, deeply honest autobiographical account of Augustine's journey toward faith, has been a source of spiritual guidance and intellectual nourishment for millions of people throught the centuries. While Augustine is regarded as one of Christianity's greatest theologians, the e .... | |
THE LESSONS OF SAINT FRANCIS: HOW TO BRING SIMPLICITY AND SPIRITUALITY Talbot, John Michael Editorial Reviews: : From Library Journal: : Well-known Christian musician Talbot founded the Brothers and Sisters of Charity, a Franciscan lay order. Here he discusses their way of life, which is based on the ideals of simplicity, service, and love for creation that St. Francis of Assisi inpired. Drawing on insights f .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Saints | |
THE LIFE OF BLESSED MARGARET OF CASTELLO, 1287-1320 Bonniwell., Father William Book Description: Hunchback, midget, blind, lame and ugly. Walled in next to a chapel for 14 years; abandoned by her parents at a shrine, she grew in virtue and fame. Her body remains incorrupt. One of the most inspiring stories we have ever read! 128 pgs, PB .... | |
THE LIFE OF SAINT JOSEPH AS MANIFESTED BY OUR LORD, JESUS CHRIST TO MA Baij, Maria Cecilia Book Description: The Life Of Saint Joseph by Maria Cecilia Baij, O.S.B. : : Saint Joseph lived his life hidden in the Divine Light of Sacred Mysteries. He was a living prayer of faith and trust and dedication. Read this beautiful account of St. Joseph's life, as revealed by Jesus to Sr. Maria Baij in 1736. : : 418 Pag .... | |
THE POPE AND I: HOW THE LIFELONG FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN A POLISH JEW AND J Kluger, Jerzy Editorial Reviews: : Kluger offers up an engaging autobiographical account of his friendship with Karol Wojtyla, who grew up to become Pope John Paul II. Kluger begins in the mid-1920s in Wadowice, Poland, when the two were schoolchildren, setting the backdrop for how Jews and Catholics interacted in Poland and how hat .... | |
THE STORY OF A FAMILY: THE HOME OF ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX Piat, Stephane-Joseph Book Description: Fabulously captivating and popular life of the Martin family, showing the background that helped produce "the greatest Saint of Modern Times." (St. Pius X). A profound reading experience; tears at one's heartstrings. Great for the whole family. 464 pgs, PB .... | |
THE WOMEN OF THE BIBLE Sangster, Margaret .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Saints | |
THERESE NEUMANN: MYSTIC AND STIGMATIST (1898-1962) Vogl, Adalbert Albert Book Description: The life and remarkable gifts of Therese Neumann (1898-1962); who bore the stigmata from 1926 to 1962; and suffered the Passion of Jesus on Fridays. She went without food and drink (save Communion) for 26 years. Also tells of her visions; language phenomena; mystical recognition of the Holy Eucharist; .... | |
UNDER THE TORRENT OF HIS LOVE: THERESE OF LISIEUX, A SPIRITUAL GENIUS Marie-Eugene Book Description: Conferences on St. Therese of Lisieux by one who was a close friend of her blood sisters. Emphasis on her being a "doctor" of spiritual life. .... | |
WOMEN IN THE NEW TESTAMENT Getty-Sullivan, Mary Ann Book Description: : Much of the history of women, in religion as in other fields, is lost because it was overlooked or considered unimportant. It is therefore surprising that so many fragments of women's stories survive in the New Testament texts composed by men. Why did they include so many references to women and why .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Social Justice | |
ABORTION THE SILENT HOLOCAUST Powell, John Joseph Book Description: A gentle and loving, yet strong and persuasive look at the issue by bestselling author John Powell. .... | |
CLOUD OF WITNESSES Joyce (Editor) Hollyday Book Description: Introduces a company of modern witnesses--saints, peacemakers, and martyrs who have embodied the gospel challenge our time: From Dietrich Bonhoeffer, martyr to the Nazis to Thomas Merton, the Trappist monk and prophet of peace: to Martin Luther King, Jr. and many others, from around the world. .... | |
DEFENDING HUMAN DIGNITY: JOHN PAUL II AND POLITICAL REALISM Jeffreys, Derek S. Book Description: Book by Jeffreys, Derek S. .... | |
![]() | LIFE ISSUES, MEDICAL CHOICES: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR CATHOLICS Smith, Janet E. Book Description: Medical and technological advances over the last decades have left millions of Catholics grappling with tough issues. When is it permissible to remove a feeding tube from a patient? Is the use of contraceptives for medical purposes acceptable? Is it morally acceptable to try to select the sex of one s .... |
SJV Parish General Library - Social Justice | |
RELIEF FOR BODY RENEWAL FOR TH Morris, G. Scott Book Description: In 1987, G. Scott Morris, a young medical doctor, opened the doors of The Church Health Center to the working poor, elderly, and homeless of Memphis, Tennessee. Today, his clinic is America's largest faith-based health center for the poor. : : Walk with Dr. Morris as he recounts the true stories of tw .... | |
THE CHALLENGE AND SPIRITUALITY OF CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING Mich, Marvin L. Krier Book Description: This book is a story of transformation. More accurately, it is the stories of transformation in the spirit... .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Spirituality | |
ALLOWING THE CREATOR TO DEAL WITH THE CREATURE: AN APPROACH TO THE SPI Barry, William A. Includes bibliographical references (p. 118-127). .... | |
AND YOU, WHO DO YOU SAY I AM? De Vinck, Catherrine .... | |
AS A TREE GROWS: REFLECTIONS ON GROWING IN THE IMAGE OF CHRIST Keller, Phillip W. Book Description: Book by Keller, Phillip W. .... | |
AUTHENTICITY (PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS) Pasquini, Fr. John J. Book Description: Published with Ecclesiastical Approval - Authenticity, the Yellow Book of prayers by Fr. John Pasquini, can lead the soul into deeper intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, can lead to greater love of Mary which leads to the unitive life and greater holiness. The book of prayers Authenticity .... | |
CARDINAL HUME: A SPIRITUAL COMPANION Hume, Cardinal Basil Book Description: When Cardinal Hume died in June 1999, many people from very different backgrounds felt that Great Britain had lost a holy and special man. He was a spiritual leader who was not only admired and respected, but also loved.: : In Cardinal Hume: A Spiritual Companion, we are given the opportunity to journ .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Spirituality | |
CARE OF THE SOUL: A GUIDE FOR CULTIVATING DEPTH AND SACREDNESS IN EVER Moore, Thomas This New York Times bestseller provides a path-breaking lifestyle handbook that shows how to add spirituality, depth, and meaning to modern-day life by nurturing the soul.: : Editorial Reviews: : From time to time I've been jolted by an extraordinary book which stops my world. It forces me to look at reality in a diffe .... | |
![]() | CHALLENGE Link, Mark S. .... |
CLOWNING IN ROME: REFLECTIONS ON SOLITUDE, CELIBACY, PRAYER, AND CONTE Nouwen, Henri Book Description: A classic work by one of this century's most beloved spiritual writers now reissued.: : The inspirational writings of Henri Nouwen have touched millions of readers all over the world, and since his death in September 1996, widespread recognition of their enduring value has continued to grow. Now, afte .... | |
DEAR HEART, COME HOME: THE PATH OF MIDLIFE SPIRITUALITY Rupp, Joyce Joyce Rupp shares her own midlife journey-its ups and downs-with such honesty and insight that you will surely identify with and benefit from the discoveries she has made along the way. Among them we can find wisdom in the wounds we've carried from birth onward, and these wounds can heal; past regrets must be let go le .... | |
DIVINE ENERGY: GOD BEYOND US, WITHIN US, AMONG US Dorr, Donal Editorial Reviews .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Spirituality | |
ETERNAL WISDOM FROM THE DESERT: WRITINGS FROM THE DESERT FATHERS (CHRI Book Description: In the fourth century, thousands of men and women fled into the Egyptian desert seeking to recapture the passion of the earliest Christians through lives of prayer and solitude.: : As records of the wisdom and purity of the "desert fathers and mothers" spread through the Roman Empire, Christians strea .... | |
FROM THE HEART OF THE ETERNAL HIGH PRIEST Evan, Father From the Heart of the Eternal High Priest contains inspired dialogues from Jesus to Fr. Evan. Our Lord desires to possess the hearts of His priests, to receive the surrender of their heart to His own. The Lord's fathomless love for His priests is breathlessly unveiled in all its awesome grandeur in this loving treatise .... | |
GOD OR NOTHING: A CONVERSATION ON FAITH Sarah, Cardinal Robert Book Description: : "The idea of putting Magisterial teaching in a beautiful display case while separating it from pastoral practice, which then could evolve along with circumstances, fashions, and passions, is a sort of heresy, a dangerous schizophrenic pathology. I therefore solemnly state that the Church in Africa i .... | |
![]() | HANDBOOK OF SPIRITUALITY FOR MINISTERS, VOLUME 1 Wicks, Robert J. Editorial Reviews .... |
SJV Parish General Library - Spirituality | |
HE AND I Bossis, Gabrielle "Orignally published as Lui et Moi by Beachesne et ses Fils, 117 rue de Rennes, Paris". T.p. verso." .... | |
HEAL MY HEART O LORD Hutson, Joan Book Description: Book by Hutson, Joan .... | |
IN A HIGH SPIRITUAL SEASON (WOMEN'S WISDOM) Chittister, Joan Book Description: It would be impossible to have spirituality without prayer, of course, but it is certainly possible to pray without having a spirituality at all. A life of value is not a series of great things well done; it is a series of small things consciously done. .... | |
INVITATION TO LOVE: THE WAY OF CHRISTIAN CONTEMPLATION / EDITION 1 Keating, Thomas In the course of numerous workshops and retreats Father Keating is asked many questions regarding contemplative practice. How will it affect my life? Where does it lead us spiritually? What obstacles will I encounter along the way? How does it work? As Keating answers, this book is "an attempt to provide a road map, as .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Spirituality | |
KARL RAHNER: MYSTIC OF EVERYDAY LIFE Egan, Harvey D. Karl Rahner was the most influential Catholic theologian of the 20th century. His writings helped prepare the way for Vatican II and did much to shape the Church in the post-conciliar period. Because of his intellectual influence, however, his significant contributions to spirituality are often overlooked. In this book .... | |
LEAD, KINDLY LIGHT (LIVING LIBRARY) Newman, John Henry Cardinal Book Description: A delightful collection of writings on faith, poems and excerpts from Plain and Parochial Sermons. .... | |
LET NOTHING DISTURB YOU: A JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE SOUL WITH TERE Kirvan, John One of the greatest Christian mystics, Teresa of Avila, was also an extraordinary leader and a prolific writer about her own spiritual struggles. Discove her warmth and wisdom, and let her lead you into encounter with God in the depths of your own soul. .... | |
MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE? Rupp, Joyce A unique invitation to join with God in the dance of life. Explores twelve major themes, each one followed by prayer suggestions, guided meditations, ideas for reflection, and journal keeping. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Spirituality | |
MEDITATIONS FROM MECHTHILD OF MAGDEBURG (LIVING LIBRARY) Magdeburg, Mechthild of Book Description: In the passionate poetry of a bride to her bridegroom, thirteenth-century German mystic Mechthild of Magdeburg recorded thirty years of her most intimate conversations with God. The selections in this edition offer a glimpse into Mechthild's vision of God and her constant longing to be in his heart. T .... | |
MEDITATIONS ON THE PASSION: TWO MEDITATIONS ON MARK 8:31-38 Metz, Johannes Baptist Book Description: And he began to teach them: 'The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders, the high priests and the learned scribes, and be put to death, and after three days rise again' Mark 8:31-38 Two of the most eminent theologians of our age share their penetrating meditations on the pas .... | |
NOTES FROM THE UNDERGROUND: THE SPIRITUAL JOURNAL OF A SECULAR PRIEST Cozzens, Donald A celebrated priest uncovers the spiritual riches beneath a church covered in scandal and doubt.: : At a time when many Catholics are questioning their church, Donald Cozzens sheds light on the widespread underground church that cherishes the vision of a renewed and reformed church preached by Pope John XXIII, a church .... | |
OPEN MIND, OPEN HEART: THE CONTEMPLATIVE DIMENSION OF THE GOSPEL / EDI Thomas This book is designed to initiate the reader into a deep, living relationship with God. Written by an acknowledged spiritual master, the book moves beyond "discursive meditation and particular acts to the intuitive level of contemplation." Keating gives an overview of the history of contemplative prayer in the Christia .... | |
OUT OF SOLITUDE: THREE MEDITATIONS ON THE CHRISTIAN LIFE Nouwen, Henri J. M. Book Description: Drawing on three moments in the life of Jesus, Henri Nouwen invites us to reflect on the tension between our desire for solitude and the demands of contemporary life. He reminds us that it was in solitude that Jesus found the courage to follow God's will. And he shows us that fruitful love and service .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Spirituality | |
PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD Edmonson, Robert J. Lawrence Brother; new translation by Book Description: Brother Lawrence was a man of humble beginnings who discovered the greatest secret of living in the kingdom of God here on earth. It is the art of "practicing the presence of God in one single act that does not end." He often stated that it is God who paints Himself in the depths of our soul. We must .... | |
![]() | REACHING OUT: THE THREE MOVEMENTS OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE Nouwen, Henri J. M. Book Description: Henri Nouwen, who died in 1996, was one of the most significant writers on spirituality of the late twentieth century. Reaching Out combines two of his most popular books in one volume. With a foreword of personal appreciation by the ever popular Father Gerard Hughes, this special edition will be trea .... |
REACHING OUT: THE THREE MOVEMENTS OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE Nouwen, Henri J. M. With the clarity and depth characteristic of the classics, this spiritual bestseller lays out a perceptive and insightful plan for living a spiritual life and achieving the ultimate goal of that life - union with God.: : Nouwen views our spiritual "ascent" as evolving in three movements. The first, from loneliness to s .... | |
REAWAKENINGS Keating, Thomas Meditations on the events and parables in the gospels demonstrate the relevance of these stories and events for contemporary Christians. : : Editorial Reviews: : From Library Journal: : Keating, founder of the Centering Prayer movement, provides ten meditations on collections of parables and 19 meditations on scriptura .... | |
RELIGIOUS POETRY AND PROSE Donne, John Book Description: Possibly the most influential of all English poets, John Donne has left an indelible imprint on the literary world. Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls takes its title from Donne's renowned Meditation 17, and the title of John Gunther's Death Be Not Proud is borrowed from one of Donne's holy so .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Spirituality | |
REVELATIONS OF DIVINE LOVE (PARACLETE ESSENTIALS) Norwich, Julian of Book Description: One of medieval mysticism's most original works, this book was written by a 14th-century anchoress whose fervent prayers triggered intense visions that continue to influence modern Christian thought. .... | |
SEEDS OF SENSITIVITY Wicks, Robert Sensitivity is an essential attitude for caring people in a harsh world. In this practical and hopeful book Robert Wicks carefully leads us on the path of sensitivity, encouraging us not to withdraw from the darkness in our world and in our hearts. .... | |
SICKNESS: SPIRITUAL THOUGHTS SERIES United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (Author, Editor, Illustrator) A collection of readings from Pope Benedict XVI on sickness, the condition of sick persons and their infirmities, and the healing that comes from allowing your trust in God to grow through the experience. His words resonate with humanity and compassion. .... | |
SPIRITUAL EXERCISES BASED ON PAUL'S EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS Fitzmyer, Joseph A. In his newest book, distinguished scholar and educator Joseph Fitzmyer recasts the text of Paul's most famous letter into the form of meditations that can be used for reflection during a retreat. .... | |
THE CUP OF OUR LIFE: A GUIDE FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH Rupp, Joyce Explores how the cup is a symbol of life, with its emptiness and fullness, its brokenness and flaws, and all of its blessings. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Spirituality | |
![]() | THE GOD WHO WON'T LET GO Breemen, Peter G. Van Includes bibliographical references. .... |
THE KINGDOM WITHIN Sanford, John A. Book Description: Frankly, this looks like a crackpot's misunderstanding of the Bible. But, per Goodreads: By showing how Jesus' teachings relate to our inner depths, this book guides us toward a more conscious and creative life. The Kingdom Within explores the significance of Jesus' teachings for our interior life -- .... | |
THE NEW DICTIONARY OF CATHOLIC SPIRITUALITY The years 1987 and 1990 saw the publication of two unprecedented and immediately popular reference works, The New Dictionary of Theology and The New Dictionary of Sacramental Worship. The present work, The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality, edited by Michael Downey, is intended as a companion to these, with a par .... | |
THE ROYAL WAY OF THE CROSS (LIVING LIBRARY) Fenelon, Francois Book Description: Letters from the generation of Louis XIV on wisdom of ego, conflict, ambition and suffering. .... | |
THE SEEKING HEART (LIBRARY OF SPIRITUAL CLASSICS) Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de La Mothe The name Fenelon has stood for spiritual depth and insight for 300 years. Seeking Christians throughout the years have turned again and again to his writings for guidance and help in their quest for a deeper walk with Christ.: Here are his works and letters for those who have a seeking heart. : : Editorial Reviews: : L .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Spirituality | |
THE WORD OF GOD (SPIRITUAL THOUGHTS) XVI, Pope Benedict Pope Benedict XVI shares his reflections on the many ways God meets us in his Word. Drawing upon texts from both the Old and New Testaments, the Holy Father shows how God wants all his children to know him by hearing and reading his Word. .... | |
![]() | TOUCHING THE HOLY : ORDINARINESS, SELF-ESTEEM AND FRIENDSHIP Wicks, Robert J. Includes bibliographical references (p. 149-155). .... |
TRANSFORMATION IN CHRIST Hildebrand, Dietrich Von Recognized as a modern spiritual classic and perhaps Dietrich von Hildebrand's greatest work, this sublime and practical study gives a penetrating analysis of the true path to holiness for those who love Christ. The first requisite is the person's desire for change, and with that fundamental attitude in mind, von Hilde .... | |
VIRTUES FOR ORDINARY CHRISTIANS / EDITION 1 Keenan, James F. "A church book." .... | |
WHY NOT BE A MYSTIC? Tuoti, Frank X. A presentation of the traditional teachings of mysticism presented in a fresh way so that each of us can open ourselves to an experience of the presence of God-here and now. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Spirituality | |
YOUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY Legere, Thomas .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Stories | |
ALONG THE WATER'S EDGE: STORIES THAT CHALLENGE AND HOW TO TELL THEM Juniper, Daniel Book Description: This book is a collection of stories and a manual of storytelling for Christians. .... | |
ANGELS ARE FOR REAL: INSPIRING, TRUE STORIES AND BIBLICAL ANSWERS MacNutt, Judith Leading Expert Demystifies Angels and How They Interact with People: : Angels have a vital role in the Kingdom of God--and in the lives of believers. Yet many Christians treat the existence of angels lightly or fail to consider them at all. In Angels Are Real Judith MacNutt pulls back the curtain on this intriguing top .... | |
![]() | BOUND TO FORGIVE : THE PILGRIMAGE TO RECONCILIATION OF A BEIRUT HOSTAG Jenco, Martin Includes bibliographical references. .... |
BRIDGE ACROSS FOREVER; A TRUE LOVE STORY Bach, Richard If you've ever felt alone in a world of strangers, missing someone you've never met, you'll find a message from your love in The Bridge Across Forever.: : Editorial Reviews: : Bach's successful love quest is probably what many of us secretly hope will happen to us, fulfilling the promises of a dozen relationship and ro .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Stories | |
![]() | COME INTO THE MOUNTAINS, DEAR FRIEND Schutz, Susan Polis Book Description: With this, her first book, Susan Polis Schutz established herself as America's favorite poet. Written in a simple, joyful manner, Schutz's poetry emphasizes the beauty of everyday life, including things like love, friendship, and an appreciation of nature. Beautifully illustrated by her husband, Steph .... |
COUNCIL (NOVEL) Tobin, Greg In this powerful sequel to Conclave, the acclaimed novel of the papacy, you will enter the shadowy corridors of the Vatican with the pope himself and go behind the scenes of the debates and intrigues that affect the lives of one billion Catholics around the world.: : Council is the riveting story of the first American- .... | |
CUP OF COMFORT Sell, Colleen Editorial Reviews .... | |
FRANCIS AND CLARE: A GOSPEL STORY Julian, Helen Book Description: Here is a clearly written, inspirational guide to the spirituality of St. Francis and St. Clare. Franciscan Helen Julian tells their story in a way that captures the hearts and souls of these 13th century heroes, who so completely identified with Christ that they reflected his face to the world. .... | |
GOD'S PERFECT SCAR Johnson, Mike Book Description: History comes alive in God's Perfect Scar. A survivor of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising finds himself in Auschwitz, working with a woman prisoner to plan and implement a harrowing mass escape. A former Polish lancer turned airborne trooper turned English instructor at the University of Warsaw finds himself .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Stories | |
IN MEMORIAM Nouwen, Henri J.M. Book Description: A priest writes about the last days and death of his mother and his memories of her. .... | |
IN THE EYE OF THE STORM Lucado, Max One day in the life of Christ.: : Call it a tapestry of turmoil: A noisy pictorial in which the golden threads of triumph knot against the black, frazzled strings of tragedy.: Call it a symphony of emotions: A sunrise-to-sunset orchestration of extremes. One score is brassy with exuberance -- the next moans with sorrow .... | |
JOSHUA Girzone, Joseph Rooted in a scrupulously accurate reading of scripture, Joshua is a profoundly moving, deeply inspiring book that no reader will ever forget.: : Sometimes it happens. After two thousand years, the human race may be given a second chance.: : When Joshua moves to a small cabin on the edge of town, the local people are my .... | |
LEFT TO TELL: DISCOVERING GOD AMIDST THE RWANDAN HOLOCAUST Ilibagiza, Immaculee Immaculee Ilibagiza grew up in a country she loved, surrounded by a family she cherished. But in 1994 her idyllic world was ripped apart as Rwanda descended into a bloody genocide. Immaculee's family was brutally murdered during a killing spree that lasted three months and claimed the lives of nearly a million Rwandans .... | |
MEN CALLED HIM MASTER Smith, Elwyn Allen Book Description: This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Stories | |
MY SUBURBAN SHTETL: A NOVEL ABOUT LIFE IN A TWENTIETH-CENTURY JEWISH A Rand, Robert "Grandpa's been arrested for hitting a Nazi with a salami!" So begins Robert Rand's engaging novel of growing up in Skokie, Illinois, home to one of America's largest communities of Jewish Holocaust survivors and to Rand's alter ego, Bobby Bakalchuk. In 1977 Skokie made news as Nazis sought to march down its main stree .... | |
NIGHT Wiesel, Elie A New Translation From The French By Marion Wiesel : : Night is Elie Wiesel's masterpiece, a candid, horrific, and deeply poignant autobiographical account of his survival as a teenager in the Nazi death camps. This new translation by Marion Wiesel, Elie's wife and frequent translator, presents this seminal memoir in t .... | |
REDISCOVERING GOD IN AMERICA Gingrich, Newt Book Description: : Take a walk through Washington, D.C. with Newt and Callista Gingrich to view our nation's historic monuments and memorials. You will quickly find yourself on a profound and surprising walk of discovery and renewal. : : Your first stop will be the National Archives, where Thomas jefferson's immortal .... | |
SEARCHING FOR GOD AT GROUND ZERO SJ, James Martin In response to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, James Martin dropped everything to minister to those in need at Ground Zero. In this extraordinary journal, Jim recounts the days working with the firefighters, police officers, and rescue workers laboring in the ruins. Expecting to find only discouragemen .... | |
STORIES OF FAITH Shea, John Book Description: Stories of Faith .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Stories | |
STORIES OF GOD: AN UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY Shea, John Book Description: An unauthorized biography of God. .... | |
![]() | THE POWER AND THE GLORY Greene, Graham Book Description: "Graham Greene's masterpiece" -John Updike): : In a poor, remote section of Southern Mexico, the paramilitary group, the Red Shirts have taken control. God has been outlawed, and the priests have been systematically hunted down and killed. Now, the last priest is on the run. Too human for heroism, too .... |
THE QUEST FOR BECKET'S BONES: THE MYSTERY OF THE RELICS OF ST. THOMAS Butler, John The history of the quest for the lost remains of England's greatest saint-Thomas Becket-is a compelling story of politics, science, conjecture, romanticism, and mystery. This suspenseful and intriguing book tells that story, sifting the known evidence, uncovering much that is new, and suggesting several hypotheses for .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Theology | |
A FATHER WHO KEEPS HIS PROMISES: GOD'S COVENANT LOVE IN SCRIPTURE Hahn, Scott Book Description: Hahn explores the "covenant love" God reveals to us through the Scriptures and explains how God patiently reaches out to us--despite our faults and shortcomings--to restore us into relationship with his divine family. Join Hahn as he follows the high adventure of God's plan for the ages, beginning wit .... | |
ABBA, FATHER: WE LONG TO SEE YOUR FACE : THEOLOGICAL INSIGHTS INTO THE Galot, Jean Book Description: To come to know the Father is to come to know something of the very depths of God, an aspiration which Jesus gave birth to in his disciples. "Show us the Father," one of them asked him, "and we will be satisfied." His reply took them all by complete surprise: "He who has seen me has seen the Father." .... | |
AN INTRODUCTION TO CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY Towey, Anthony There has long been a need for a comprehensive but truly introductory single-authored textbook in theology. By introducing the reader to the biblical, doctrinal and contemporary dimensions of Christianity with the help of illustrated examples from selected primary texts, the book provides an excellent grounding in theo .... | |
![]() | DICTIONARY OF BIBLICAL THEOLOGY Xavier, Editor) (Author Leon-Dufour Book Description: Lion DuFour's Dictionary of Biblical Theology is written for Catholics who want to better understand the Bible. Seventy distinguished scholars and eighteen specialized translators have collaborated to produce this classic in Catholic biblical studies. The Dictionary presents the key theological concep .... |
HOW CHRIST SAID THE FIRST MASS OR THE LORD'S LAST SUPPER Meagher, James L. Book Description: Shows how the Catholic Mass sums up the entire Old Testament worship from the time of Adam to the time of Christ, how even minute details of the present Mass were used by Christ in the very First Mass, and how they have come down to our day with the same symbolic meaning they originally had. The autho .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Theology | |
INCARNATION (NEW CENTURY THEOLOGY) O'Collins, Gerald Editorial Reviews .... | |
KINSHIP BY COVENANT: A CANONICAL APPROACH TO THE FULFILLMENT OF GOD'S Hahn, Scott Book Description: : While the canonical scriptures were produced over many centuries and represent a diverse library of texts, they are unified by stories of divine covenants and their implications for God's people. In this deeply researched and thoughtful book, Scott Hahn shows how covenant, as an overarching theme, m .... | |
METHOD IN THEOLOGY Lonergan, Bernard Method in Theology stands, with Insight, as Bernard Lonergan's most important work. It is Lonergan's answer to those who would argue that in this time of cultural change and dissolution the believer is afloat on a sea of multiplying theologies, without rudder or compass. Lonergan was resolute in his refusal to be defea .... | |
POPE JOHN PAUL II: THE THEOLOGY OF THE BODY: A SIMPLIFIED VERSION Walsh, Vincent M. Book Description: The Theology of the Body, A Simplified Version : : Pope John Paul II called "The Theology of the Body" his "working term" for the 129 talks which he gave at his Wed. General Audiences between Sept. 1979 and NOv. 1984. : : He specifically directed these talks to an explanation of human love in God's Pl .... | |
SACRAMENTAL THEOLOGY: A GENERAL INTRODUCTION / EDITION 1 Osborne, Kenan B. Presents the Roman Catholic approach to sacraments in general in a way which encompasses the teaching of Vatican II, contemporary Catholic theologians, and the ecumenical dimension. .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Theology | |
THE CASE FOR A CREATOR Strobel, Lee A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God "My road to atheism was paved by science . . . But, ironically, so was my later journey to God."---Lee Strobel During his academic years, Lee Strobel became convinced that God was outmoded, a belief that colored his ensuing career as an award-winning .... | |
THE HIDDEN MANNA: A THEOLOGY OF THE EUCHARIST O'Connor, Rev. James T. Book Description: The Hidden Manna has become a classic on Eucharistic teaching. Now in a second edition, accompanied by a new introduction by Fr. Kenneth Baker, a new preface from the author, new material from John Paul II, and the original foreword by Cardinal John O'Connor, this in-depth study lets the breadth and r .... | |
![]() | THEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS Rahner, Karl Translation of: Schriften zur Theologie. .... |
THEOLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Book Description: From an experience of the Ignatian Exercises to the Art of Spiritual Direction .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Writings of Saints | |
365 WORDS OF INSPIRATION FROM POPE FRANCIS Book Description: "Having faith doesn't mean never going through tough times, but having the strength to face them, knowing we are not alone." --Pope Francis: : When Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio ascended to the papacy in 2013, he electrified the entire world and infused new energy into the Catholic Church. Pope Franc .... | |
ASCENT OF MOUNT CARMEL (CHRISTIAN CLASSICS, 20) Cross, John of the Book Description: Thomas Merton called John of the Cross "the greatest of all mystical theologians." Born in Spain in 1542, John joined the Carmelite Order when he was twenty-one. Living in a time of great religious controversy, John was kidnapped and imprisoned -- an experience of deep suffering that formed the basis .... | |
CROSSING THE THRESHOLD OF HOPE II, Pope John Paul Book Description: Fifteen years into his Papacy, and on the eve of the third millennium, Pope John Paul II goes to the heart of his personal beliefs and speaks with passion about the existence of God; about pain, suffering, and evil; about "salvation"; and about the relationship of Catholicism to other branches of the .... | |
ENCYCLICAL ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND INEQUALITY: ON CARE FOR OUR COMMON HO Francis, Pope The complete text of Laudato Si', the landmark encyclical letter from Pope Francis that, as Time magazine reported, "rocked the international community": : In the Encyclical on Climate Change and Inequality, the beloved Pope exhorts the world to combat environmental degradation and its impact on the poor. In a stirring .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Writings of Saints | |
FOLLOWING CHRIST (SPIRITUAL THOUGHTS) XVI, Pope Benedict Following Christ is the sixth title in the Spiritual Thoughts Series by Pope Benedict XVI. Through excerpts from his writings, speeches, and homilies, the Holy Father discusses how to develop a relationship with Christ and become more effective disciples. Readers can use Following Christ to grow closer to Jesus Christ .... | |
INTERIOR CASTLE STUDY ED Avila, St Teresa of Book Description: The Interior Castle is more than a book. It is a powerful image of the mystery of the human person. It is the soul of St. Teresa of Avila, who journeys through the castle from one dwelling place to another mapping out a feminine, yet warlike, program for the Christian spiritual life. It is also the la .... | |
LIFE AND HOLINESS Merton, Thomas Life and Holiness is Thomas Merton's classic text on incorporating spirituality into everyday life. Merton here makes clear that he was a monk who knew the world. Of course, Merton lived a secular life until he became a Trappist monk in his late twenties, but even in the monastery he was deeply engaged in the questions .... | |
LIVING LOVE: A MODERN EDITION OF TREATISE ON THE LOVE OF GOD Sales, Francis de Book Description: Presents a condensed, mildly modernized version of the famous 1616 work Treatise on the Love of God, which addresses such topics as the human tendency to love God, meditation, and prayer, and explains the history of divine love, and the differences between benevolent and complacent love, and affecti .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Writings of Saints | |
MOTHER TERESA: COME BE MY LIGHT: THE PRIVATE WRITINGS OF THE SAINT OF Teresa, Mother Book Description: "If I ever become a Saint-I will surely be one of "darkness." I will continually be absent from Heaven-to light the light of those in darkness on earth.": -Mother Teresa of Calcutta: : During her lifelong service to the poorest of the poor, Mother Teresa became an icon of compassion to people of all r .... | |
MOTHER TERESA: COME BE MY LIGHT: THE PRIVATE WRITINGS OF THE SAINT OF Teresa, Mother During her lifelong service to the poorest of the poor, Mother Teresa became an icon of compassion to people of all religions; her extraordinary contributions to the care of the sick, the dying, and the thousands of others nobody else was prepared to look after have been recognized and acclaimed throughout the world. L .... | |
ON CHRISTIAN HOPE XVI, Pope Benedict Pope Benedict XVI elaborated the significance of Christian hope in eternal life for contemporary Catholics by expertly interpreting examples of hope from the New Testament and saints of the Church. .... | |
![]() | OPEN WIDE THE DOOR TO CHRIST Biela, Sawomir .... |
TALKS ON THE SONG OF SONGS (CHRISTIAN CLASSICS (PARACLETE)) Clairvaux, Bernard of Book Description: Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153), one of Christianity's greated mystics and father of what was prehaps the most inflential new monastic order of-the Cistercians-devoted eighteen years of his life to his literary master piece. Sermons on the Song of Songs. : : Although the Song of Songs, a brief book i .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Writings of Saints | |
THE COLLECTED WORKS OF ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS Cross, Saint John of the Book Description: The fourth centenary of the death of St. John of the Cross inspired this revised edition of the English translation of his writings. The result is an edition that preserves the true meaning of the great mystic's writings, presents them as clearly as possible, and at the same time gives the reader the .... | |
THE COLLECTED WORKS OF ST. TERESA OF AVILA, VOL. 1 Avila, Teresa of Book Description: Contains Book of Her Life, Spiritual Testimonies, and Soliloquies.: Includes general and biblical index.: This is the second edition of Volume One of The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, first woman doctor of the church. The translators have taken full advantage of all that recent scholarship h .... | |
THE EUCHARIST (SPIRITUAL THOUGHTS) XVI, Pope Benedict As we remember the gift of sacrifice to us, the Holy Father discusses the sacrament of the Eucharist and how it unites us with the living God and allows us to freely give of ourselves to others. The Eucharist is an exchange between God and humanity that brings us closer to him and reminds us of the purpose for our live .... | |
THE JOY OF LOVE (AMORIS LAETITIA): ON LOVE IN THE FAMILY Francis, Pope Editorial Reviews: : About the Author: : POPE FRANCIS was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio on December 17, 1936 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He was ordained as a priest in 1969, became Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998. He was elected pope by the College of Cardinals following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on March 13 .... | |
THOUGHTS IN SOLITUDE Merton, Thomas Thoughtful and eloquent, as timely (or timeless) now as when it was originally published in 1956, Thoughts in Solitude addresses the pleasure of a solitary life, as well as the necessity for quiet reflection in an age when so little is private. Thomas Merton writes: "When society is made up of men who know no interior .... | |
SJV Parish General Library - Writings of Saints | |
THOUGHTS OF THE CURE OF ARS Vianney, St. John Book Description: The most beautiful, simple, inspiring statement of practical Catholic wisdom any of us will likely ever read. An extremely popular booklet. .... | |