SJV Parish Special Library - Bibles | |
THE COMPLETE PARALLEL BIBLE WITH THE APOCRYPHAL/DEUTEROCANONICAL BOOKS Press, Publisher Oxford University The Complete Parallel Bible presents four of the most highly respected modern language Bible translations arranged side by side for easy comparison. The parallel format brings new insights into the distinct characteristics that distinguish the texts used by Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Christians. This unique wor .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Biblical Commentary | |
ATLAS OF THE BIBLE Book Description: Covers the time span from the earliest evidence of humanity in Palestine to the establishment of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel, the Jewish revolts against the Romans and the rise of the Christian church. .... | |
REVELATION OF JOHN: CHAPTERS 6 THROUGH 22 (NEW DAILY STUDY BIBLE) Barclay, William Book Description: : Here the reader meets many of the picturesque images that are identified with Revelation--the four horses and their riders, the antichrist, the woman clothed with the sun, the beast with his number, Armageddon. William Barclay helps the reader understand and interpret these and many other images dra .... | |
SCRIPTURE FROM SCRATCH SOURCEBOOK Various Description: A bible study program using short 4-page newsletters to cover each topic. .... | |
THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES (SACRA PAGINA SERIES, VOL. 5) Johnson, Luke Timothy Editorial Reviews: : Review: : I rejoice in recommending one of the most gracefully erudite, historically astute, and theologically rewarding commentaries available in a frugal market. .... | |
![]() | THE BIRTH OF THE MESSIAH : A COMMENTARY ON THE INFANCY NARRATIVES IN T E., Raymond (Raymond Edward) Brown 1st Anchor Bible reference library ed. .... |
SJV Parish Special Library - Biblical Commentary | |
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO LUKE I-IX: INTRODUCTION, TRANSLATION, AND NOTE Fitzmyer, Joseph A. Editorial Reviews: : Language Notes: : Text: English, Greek (translation) .... | |
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO LUKE X-XXIV: INTRODUCTION, TRANSLATION, AND NO Fitzmyer, Joseph A. Editorial Reviews: : From the Publisher: : The Gospel According To Luke X-XXIV is Volume 28A in the Anchor Bible series of new book-by-book translations of the Old and New Testaments and Apocrypha. This is the conclusion of Joseph A. Fitzmyer's two-volume study of Luke.: : Included here is Fitzmyer's work on chapter 10 .... | |
THE NEW JEROME BIBLICAL COMMENTARY [NEW JEROME BIBLICAL COMMEN] Fitzmyer, Joseph A. (Editor) New copy. Fast shipping. Will be shipped from US. : : Editorial Reviews: : New copy. Fast shipping. Will be shipped from US. .... | |
THE REVELATION OF JOHN, VOL. 1 (NEW DAILY STUDY BIBLE) Barclay, William Book Description: : In this volume, William Barclay makes the most difficult book in the Bible easier to understand. In his introduction he examines areas such as the characteristics of apocalyptic literature and the nature of Caesar worship. John was, as Barclay shows, "soaked and saturated" in the Old Testament, and .... | |
WALKING WITH GOD: A JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE Gray, Tim Book Description: Read the entire story of the Bible in one captivating and inspirational book...: "For ordinary Catholics, taking a journey through the Bible just got a whole lot easier. With this book, Walking with God, Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins make it so that you are starting out on the trip with a good map and comp .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Catholicism | |
![]() | CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA Visitor, Our Sunday .... |
CATHOLIC UPDATE SOURCEBOOK - VOLUME 2 Various Description: Catholic Update is a practical and affordable 4-page newsletter that explores Church teaching and traditions, promoting better understanding by all Catholics. An excellent resource for all Adult Faith programs like RCIA, Adult Confirmation, or Adult Education programs.: : A new topic each month explores .... | |
CATHOLIC UPDATE SOURCEBOOK - VOLUME 1 Various Description: Catholic Update is a practical and affordable 4-page newsletter that explores Church teaching and traditions, promoting better understanding by all Catholics. An excellent resource for all Adult Faith programs like RCIA, Adult Confirmation, or Adult Education programs.: : A new topic each month explores .... | |
CATHOLICISM McBrien, Richard P. Editorial Reviews: : From Library Journal: : This thorough revision of McBrien's best-selling summary of Roman Catholic theology, history, and moral values is an important statement of what it means to be a Catholic Christian. McBrien, a priest and professor of theology at Notre Dame, provides a marvelous synthesis of .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Catholicism | |
CATHOLICISM McBrien, Richard P. Editorial Reviews: : From Library Journal: : This thorough revision of McBrien's best-selling summary of Roman Catholic theology, history, and moral values is an important statement of what it means to be a Catholic Christian. McBrien, a priest and professor of theology at Notre Dame, provides a marvelous synthesis of .... | |
CHURCH: THE HUMAN STORY OF GOD Schillebeeckx, Edward This book was originally planned as the 'ecclesiological' third part of Schillebeeckx Jesus trilogy. It indeed concludes his thinking about the relevance of the living Jesus through history, but with a different approach than originally intended. By the end of the 20th century, many believers have left the unworldly 's .... | |
COMMUNION OF THE SICK Various Book Description: : al ministers of Communion will want to have and use these official texts for bringing the Eucharist to the sick. Also useful for the confined person to read in preparation for receiving the Eucharist.: : Newly revised according to The Roman Missal, Third Edition." .... | |
DECISION POINT: THE WORKBOOK Kelly, Matthew .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Catholicism | |
![]() | DIOCESE OF METUCHEN - 25TH ANNIVERSARY BOOK Description: A commemorative book celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Diocese of Metuchen. Provides information on each parish as well as the Diocese itself. .... |
INTRODUCTION TO CHRISTIANITY, 2ND EDITION / EDITION 1 Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal One of Cardinal Ratzinger's most important and widely read books, this volume is a revised second edition with an improved translation and an in-depth 20 page preface by the Cardinal. As he states in the preface, since this book was first published over 30 years ago, many changes and significant events have occurred in .... | |
![]() | PATHWAYS TO PRAYER - MILLENNIUM - SHARING THE GOOD NEWS Various A variety of practical 4-page newsletters that explores Church teaching and traditions, promoting better understanding by all Catholics. An excellent way to encourage the adults in your parish to grow in their understanding and appreciation for the Catholic Church. In Each Issue a new topic each month explores a key a .... |
POPE FRANCIS: THE STORY OF THE HOLY FATHER Duhamel, Marie Book Description: From the moment he was elected into the papacy, Pope Francis has captured the attention of the world with his humility, charisma, and reformist spirit.: This one-of-a-kind, illustrated biography of the first Jesuit pope offers more than 250 photographs and 50 removable documents from Francis's life. W .... | |
REASONS TO BELIEVE: HOW TO UNDERSTAND, EXPLAIN, AND DEFEND THE CATHOLI Hahn, Scott Book Description: : This book unravels mysteries, corrects misunderstandings, and offers thoughtful, straightforward responses to common objections about the Catholic faith.: : Bestselling author Scott Hahn, a convert to Catholicism, has experienced the doubts that so often drive discussions about God and the Church. I .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Catholicism | |
THE CHURCH VISIBLE: THE CEREMONIAL LIFE AND PROTOCOL OF THE ROMAN CATH Noonan, James-Charles Book Description: A companion volume to the best-selling Catechism of the Catholic Church offers extensive information about the ceremonies, traditions, and protocol of the Roman Catholic Church, including the changes implemented by the 1962 Vatican II Council. .... | |
THE SACRISTY MANUAL Ryan, G. Thomas Lists that will help you set up for a variety of liturgies, and summaries of the documentation about how the areas of the worship space are best arranged and appointed. A solid guide to keeping the sacristy organized and available to the parish. Published by Liturgy Training Publications. .... | |
THESE ARE THE SACRAMENTS Sheen, Fulton J. Book Description: These Are the Sacraments is a lucidly written and handsomely illustrated presentation of the seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen is responsible for this memorable and dramatic book which defines the meanings of the Sacraments to man, their power, and their application.: : B .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Christian Living/Virtues | |
![]() | HOW THE WORLD LOST ITS STORY: ENGAGING THE RELATIVISTIC CULTURE Sri, Edward Description: Talk at 2012 National Catholic Bible Conference .... |
![]() | WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR KIDS LEAVE THE CHURCH? Cavins, Jeff Description: Talk at 2012 National Catholic Bible Conference .... |
SJV Parish Special Library - Church Documents | |
NEW COMMENTARY ON THE CODE OF CANON LAW: STUDY EDITION Beal, Editor) John P. (Author Now in paperback! Here is an entirely new and comprehensive commentary by canon lawyers from North America and Europe, with a revised English translation of the Code. It reflects the enormous developments in canon law since the publication of the original commentary. : : New features: : : o A focus on the lived experie .... | |
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS, STUDY EDITION: COMPLETE TEXT O Liturgy, International Commission English Book Description: This book is the RCIA! Exactly like LTP's ritual edition in size and pagination, this study edition enables everyone involved with the RCIA to have a working copy of the entire document. With ample margins for notes, sturdy but flexible binding, clearly numbered paragraphs in the introduction and text .... | |
THROUGH DEATH TO LIFE: PREPARING TO CELEBRATE THE FUNERAL MASS Champlin, Joseph M. Book Description: Through Death to Life is a manual designed to facilitate family involvement in preparing for, personalizing, and taking part in the Funeral Mass of Christian Burial for loved ones. .... | |
VATICAN COUNCIL II, VOL. 1: THE CONCILIAR AND POSTCONCILIAR DOCUMENTS Editorial Reviews: : Has a some highligh in the index .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Church Documents | |
VATICAN II SUNDAY MISSAL Sirois, Celia (Commentary) .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Church History | |
CHRISTIANITY: THE FIRST THREE THOUSAND YEARS MacCulloch, Diarmaid The National Book Critics Circle Award-winning author of The Reformation returns with the definitive history of Christianity for our time : : Once in a generation a historian will redefine his field, producing a book that demands to be read-a product of electrifying scholarship conveyed with commanding skill. Diarmaid .... | |
![]() | JERUSALEM : ONE CITY, THREE FAITHS Armstrong, Karen Includes bibliographical references (p. [445]-456) and index. .... |
THE PAPACY Hollis, Christopher .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Eucharist/Mass | |
I'M NOT BEING FED: DISCOVERING THE FOOD THAT SATISFIES THE SOUL Cavins, Jeff Book Description: : In I'm Not Being Fed: Discovering the Food that Satisfies the Soul, Jeff Cavins explores the reasons why many Catholics have left the Church for evangelical Christianity. He responds to the most commonly-heard complaint of these former Catholics -- that they simply were not being "fed" by their Chur .... | |
THE LAMB'S SUPPER: THE MASS AS HEAVEN ON EARTH Hahn, Scott Book Description: Bestselling author Scott Hahn sheds new light on the Mass, offering readers a deeper appreciation of the most familiar of Catholic rituals.: : Of all things Catholic, there is nothing that is so familiar as the Mass. With its unchanging prayers, the Mass fits Catholics like their favorite clothes. Yet .... | |
THE ORDER OF MASS: A ROMAN MISSAL STUDY EDITION AND WORKBOOK Driscoll, Michael S. Book Description: This is a fundamental resource for priests and liturgists as they implement the revised Roman Missal. Following in the style of Workbook for Lectors, this book includes an introduction and commentary by Michael Driscoll and J. Michael Joncas as well as the entire Order of Mass from the third typical e .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Healing | |
GOOD GOATS: HEALING OUR IMAGE OF GOD Linn, Dennis Book Description: Through a blending of story, scripture and theology, this book tackles questions of sin, hell, vengeance in such a way that readers are led to transformation and healing. .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Jesus | |
![]() | A MARGINAL JEW : RETHINKING THE HISTORICAL JESUS - VOL 1 & VOL 2 Meier, John P. Includes bibliographical references and index.: : v. 1. The roots of the problem and the person -- v. 2. Mentor, message, and miracles -- v. 3. Companions and competitors -- v. 4. Law and love. .... |
CHRIST: THE EXPERIENCE OF JESUS AS LORD Schillebeeckx, Edward Few books of its kind written in the past two decades seem so sure of respectful attention from anyone who sseeks to understand, and to reconcile, Christological thinking with the lives we lead. : : Editorial Reviews: : Language Notes: : Text: English, Dutch (translation) --This text refers to an out of print or unavai .... | |
JESUS OF NAZARETH: FROM THE BAPTISM IN THE JORDAN TO THE TRANSFIGURATI XVI, Pope Benedict Book Description: "This book is... my personal search 'for the face of the Lord.'" -Benedict XVI: : In this bold, momentous work, the pope-in his first book written as Benedict XVI-seeks to salvage the person of Jesus from recent "popular" depictions and to restore Jesus' true identity as discovered in the Gospels. Thr .... | |
REDISCOVER JESUS Kelly, Matthew Editorial Reviews: : About the Author: : Matthew Kelly is the New York Times bestselling author of The Rhythm of Life and twenty other books that have been published in more than twenty-five languages and have sold more than 15 million copies. .... | |
REDISCOVER JESUS: AN INVITATION Kelly, Matthew Book Description: How well do you know Jesus? I think about this often, and I always come to the same realization. I don't know Jesus anywhere near as well as I would like to know him. The desire is there, but life gets in the way. There are times when I seem to be making great progress, and other times when I wonder i .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Ministry | |
A RITUAL FOR LAYPERSONS: RITES FOR HOLY COMMUNION AND THE PASTORAL CAR Various Book Description: : This book gathers in one place those rites at which a layperson may preside in the absence of a priest or deacon. They are gathered from Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass, Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum, and Order of Christian Funerals. By collectin .... | |
MINISTRY TO THE SINGLE PERSON (MINISTRY SERIES) Morse, Merrill Book Description: Practical, effective help for parish ministers, this series offers consistent, proper, and inexpensive training on the ministries in the Church. .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Miscellaneous | |
INSIDE ISLAM: A GUIDE FOR CATHOLICS: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Ali, Daniel Book Description: Islam. For some, the word is frightening; for others, mysterious. For all, it is a religious force that cannot be ignored. Now here's a question-and-answer book on Islam written specifically for Catholics. Inside Islam addresses Islam''s controversial teachings on God, jihad, the role of women, and mo .... | |
![]() | SJV 50TH ANNIVERSARY BOOK .... |
SJV Parish Special Library - New Testament | |
A NEW TESTAMENT GUIDE TO THE HOLY LAND Kilgallen, John J. Book Description: For both pilgrims and armchair travelers, this title is a unique introduction to the holy sites of Israel and explains both the physical and spiritual aspects of these areas. Fr. Kilgallen describes each site's geographical and archaeological importance and then cites Gospel passages that reveal the a .... | |
![]() | CONSUMING THE WORD Hahn, Scott Description: Talk at 2012 National Catholic Bible Conference .... |
DAWN OF THE MESSIAH: THE COMING OF CHRIST IN SCRIPTURE Sri, Edward Book Description: Perhaps the story of Christ's birth has become almost too familiar. : : We've heard the story so many times that it fails to shock us: the appearances of the angel, a virgin giving birth, a child placed in a manger, the arrival of shepherds and magi. "But what if we had never heard the story before?" .... | |
FEAST OF LIFE Haugen, Marty Debuted at the 2000 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, The Feast of Life reminds us of the fourteen banquets mentioned in Luke's Gospel and invites us once again to hear and experience the stories of Jesus. In this new musical by Marty Haugen, a diverse group of adults and children gather around a banquet table .... | |
FEAST OF LIFE Haugen, Marty Debuted at the 2000 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, The Feast of Life reminds us of the fourteen banquets mentioned in Luke's Gospel and invites us once again to hear and experience the stories of Jesus. In this new musical by Marty Haugen, a diverse group of adults and children gather around a banquet table .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - New Testament | |
MISSION OF THE MESSIAH: ON THE GOSPEL OF LUKE (KINGDOM STUDIES) Gray, Tim Book Description: Mission of the Messiah is a compelling study of the Gospel of Luke that presents the messianic mission of Jesus as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. The review questions at the end of each chapter provide fresh material for individual reflection or group discussion. This book is a must for an .... | |
MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM (KINGDOM STUDIES) Sri, Edward P. Book Description: Mystery of the Kingdom is a refreshing Bible study on the Gospel of Matthew that focuses on the "kingdom of God." Why is the kingdom at the heart of Jesus' teaching? What were Jesus' contemporaries expecting? What did Jesus actually say about His kingdom? What is the relationship between the "kingdom" .... | |
SONG OF MARK Haugen, Marty Description: The Gospel of Mark comes alive in song! : : Contents: 1. Here Begins The Good News, 2. There is a life within the River, 3. Follow Me, 4. I Am Waiting For This Jesus, 5. If Anyone Has Ears, 6. Bread To Share, 7. Night Storm, 8. I Was On The Outside, 9. So Good To Be Here, 10. Unless You Learn,11. Hosanna, .... | |
![]() | THE ART OF LIVING: THE BIBLE AND THE VIRTURES Sri, Edward Description: Talk at 2012 National Catholic Bible Conference .... |
THE PROMISE: A CELEBRATION OF CHRIST'S BIRTH Card, Michael Description:: This is a powerful CD that lays the foundation of God's plan for a Savior to be born of a virgin in a manger on earth. Michael is an amazing story-teller and the words he uses to piece together the promise and birth of Jesus, many right from scripture, are just beautiful. So many beautiful lines, great me .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - New Testament | |
![]() | THE SACRAMENTALITY OF SCRIPTURE IN GOD'S PLAN OF SALVATION Hahn, Scott Description: Keynote talk at 2012 National Catholic Bible Conference .... |
SJV Parish Special Library - Religious Orders | |
TO THE PRIESTS OUR LADY'S BELOVED SONS Priests, The Marian Movement of Book Description: To the Priest, Our Lady's Beloved Sons, contains "interior locutions," messages which Fr. Stefano Gobbi of Italy has been receiving from Our Blessed Mother since 1973. It is the instrument chosen by Our Lady to carry her voice to the hearts and souls of her beloved children, a guide for helping them t .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Saints | |
![]() | POPE JOHN PAUL II. : THE BIOGRAPHY Szulc, Tad "A Lisa Drew book." .... |
WITNESS TO HOPE: THE BIOGRAPHY OF POPE JOHN PAUL II Weigel, George Given unprecedented access to Pope John Paul II and the people who have known and worked with him throughout his life, George Weigel presents a groundbreaking portrait of the Pope as a man, a thinker, and a leader whose religious convictions have defined a new approach to world politics -- and changed the course of his .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Stories | |
MY LIFE ON THE ROCK : A REBEL RETURNS TO HIS FAITH Cavins, Jeff Book Description: "My Life on the Rock", the dramatic conversion story of Jeff Cavins, (apologist and host of EWTN's "Life on the Rock"), is the true and bittersweet story of an emotional and spiritual search for peace in a chaotic world. : : Jeff was a "rebel - and then he became a rebel for Jesus. This moving account .... | |
ROME SWEET HOME: OUR JOURNEY TO CATHOLICISM Hahn, Scott Book Description: The well-known and very popular Catholic couple, Scott and Kimberly Hahn, have been constantly travelling and speaking all over North America for the last few years about their conversion to the Catholic Church. Now these two outstanding Catholic apologists tell in their own words about the incredible .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Theology | |
![]() | ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THEOLOGY : THE CONCISE SACRAMENTUM MUNDI Rahner, Karl Contains revised articles from Sacramentum mundi, together with articles from Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche and Theologisches Taschenlexikon, and new articles. .... |
JOSEPH RATZINGER: LIFE IN THE CHURCH AND LIVING THEOLOGY: FUNDAMENTALS Miller, Michael J. This is a major work on the theology of Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, by a highly regarded German theologian, priest and writer. Since his election to the Papacy, Ratzinger's theology, and in particular his ecclesiology (theology of the Church), has been in the limelight of theological and ecumenical discuss .... | |
THE CASE FOR JESUS: THE BIBLICAL AND HISTORICAL EVIDENCE FOR CHRIST Pitre, Brant "This book will prove to be a most effective weapon... against the debunking and skeptical attitudes toward the Gospels that are so prevalent, not only in academe, but also on the street, among young people who, sadly, are leaving the Churches in droves." - Robert Barron, author of Catholicism: : For well over a hundre .... | |
THE NEW DICTIONARY OF THEOLOGY Komonchak, Joseph Editorial Reviews: : Review: : . . . a valuable and much-needed reference work. .... | |
SJV Parish Special Library - Writings of Saints | |
SUMMA THEOLOGICA VOLUME 1 Aquinas, St. Thomas Book by Thomas More Publishing : : Editorial Reviews: : Book by Thomas More Publishing .... | |
SUMMA THEOLOGICA VOLUME 2 Aquinas, St Thomas Unread copy in perfect condition. : : Editorial Reviews: : Unread copy in perfect condition. .... | |
SUMMA THEOLOGICA VOLUME 3 Aquinas, St Thomas Unread copy in perfect condition. : : Editorial Reviews: : Unread copy in perfect condition. .... | |
SUMMA THEOLOGICA VOLUME 4 Aquinas, St Thomas The Summa Theologica, St. Thomas Aquinas' brilliant synthesis of Christian thought, has had a decisive and permanent impact on philosophy and religion since the thirteenth century. As the title indicates, is a summing up of all that can be known about God and humanity's relations with God. Divided into three parts, the .... | |
SUMMA THEOLOGICA VOLUME 5 Aquinas, St Thomas Unread copy in perfect condition. : : Editorial Reviews: : Unread copy in perfect condition. .... | |